Chapter 10 Give in

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You woke up early in the morning with a man embracing you with his soft naked body. You moved around to get off his grip but it was no use.

The male opened one of his eyelids and started to chuckle at his view. He finds it funny seeing you struggle to get off him.

"S-sir Helbram..good morning haha..."

"Morning sweetheart." He replied as he gave you a small peck on the cheek.

He stood up from the bed and changed into something more 'casual'. He didn't transform into his 'old' form. He stayed the way he was.

You also stood up after a while and tried to reach for the closet while limping. You looked behind you, only to see a fairy who was laughing at your condition

"This is all your fault you know.." You said as you looked at him with a death stare.

"Yeaap, my bad. I can't help it, you feel so good~" He winked.

You let out a blush and continued your way to the closet. You can feel the morning sickness kicking in slowly.

"Helbram...can you call for Manfred?"

His head slightly tilted and shouted for his personal butler. Manfred immediately stepped inside in a hurry and Helbram's index finger pointed at you. The old man knew what the issue was but you gave a sign which meant not to give it away.

Manfred held one of your hands and accompanied you to the bathroom.

"I'll be right back.." You said before trailing off.

. . .

You came back to the room with eyes all swallowed up. You were wiping the last tears before hiding your hideous face from him. Helbram stood up from the bed as he saw you wiping away something on your face.

"Y/n!" He shouted while heading towards you.

"Are you okay?"

You turned your face away from him. He kept pushing your head towards his direction but you refused, you covered your face with your hands.

"Y/n, Why are you hiding from me?"

"Sir Helbram, miss Y/n would like to be left alone for a moment."

"Why? Is she hiding something from me?"

"Mh..let's say, something like that." Manfred answered with a smirk written behind his mustache.

You giggled at his answer that caught Helbram's attention completely focused on you. He squinted his eyes and pinched one of your cheeks.


"Silly girl. You won't be hiding that 'secret' any longer."


. . .

'Something isn't right today...' You thought as you looked at Helbram directly at his golden empty eyes while eating your freshly made pancakes.

"Is there something on my face?" He said with a stern tone.

You looked away and lowered your body to the table. You continued to eat until he stood up from his seat. He glared at you with a serious look described on his face. You couldn't tell if he was mad or frustrated at you. Is it because you weren't honest with him earlier?

"Y/n! Why are you acting like this?!"

You jumped at his sudden volume. You finished your last bite before answering his question. But you didn't think it through...

"Well, I can't help it because I'm preparing a surprise-"

"Eherm." Manfred interrupted.

"I mean...I was just um..a bit surprised why you still haven't gone to work..y-yeah that's it!"

He raised one of his brows and walked towards you. He grabbed your waist and pulled you close to him.

"What did you want to say before Manfred interrupted?"

You looked at the butler standing behind you. He was sweating in nervousness and gave you a signal that you shouldn't tell him anything just yet.

"Erm well...what did I say again? Haha.."

Helbram lets go of you and facepalms in frustration. He flew back to his seat and also finished his breakfast. After that, he followed you everywhere you go which was a problem.

He didn't know about you and Ban yet. You knew how much he hates to see you with other men, mostly those who looked the same age as you.

It was almost lunch and Helbram was currently reading a book together with you. He was sitting on the couch while you were sitting on his lap, again. You have had enough of it and stood up from his lap.

"Helbram, why aren't you working yet?"

"Hm? Oh, about that."

He stood up from the couch and pulled your waist close to his figure.

"I took a day off from my work. Because I wanted to know what you were up to these days. Every time you came home late, you would always make me worry about you and I'm sick of it! Tell me what you've been doing!"

"U-uh well..I've been doing lots of stuff! Looking at the dresses buying some sweets from a candy store..."

"You couldn't possibly have taken eight goddamn hours just to look around the kingdom. Take me to those places." He interrupted.

You thought about it for a while and ended up losing ideas to make up a lie.

You gave up and sighed in defeat which in return got a small peck on the lips. At first, you were confused with his action and wanted a reason why he did that. He just simply turned his back on you and looked at you with one of his eyes open.

"Because you gave in and told me the truth. Now all you're going to do is show me around those places. Maybe then I can give you a real reward."

You sweatdropped at the word "reward" and just prepared all of your needing for an eight-hour trip around the kingdom.

. . .

You had prepared everything you needed and Helbram decided to hide his wings from the other humans.

'His appearance completely changed..'

"What do you think? Not bad right?"

You looked to the side, feeling a bit uncomfortable at his new form. It was slightly taller and more well-built than he usually looks. 

"I mean..I don't hate it."

He looked at you with an annoyed expression and dragged you with him outside to the crowd. 

"Now, where do you head first."

° ° °

Unwanted Love (Helbram x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now