Chapter 9 Poof Pregnant again (jk)

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You packed up some cleaning tools from the kitchen while wearing a smile on your face. You didn't know how you should plan on proposing this big news to him. As you were about to leave, your personal maid approached you from behind.

"Lady Y/n! Please take me with you!" She begged.

You stood there. Not knowing what to do. Helbram commanded her to take a time-out yesterday evening. You kneeled down to her level and stroke her head slightly.

"Sorry Y/m/n...but you'll have to obey sir Helbram's orders for now. Maybe enjoy the free time you have. I'm sure you could entertain yourself some how within the time."

You got up and opened the door infront of you. You gave her a heart warming smile and left the mansion. You followed the trail before you and ended up stopping by the same shop as yesterday evening.

With curiosity, you took a look inside the shop and saw an old man sitting infront of the cashier. He seemed a bit upset from the looks of it, but you didn't want to bother him more than he already is.

You shoved your head to the side and looked at the bride dresses. The bridal gowns we made with pure chiffon. The first layer of the dress was made with a smooth-to-touch charmeuse and the second layer, lace, was covering the charmeuse fabric. Lace was loved by most cultures. It is delicate, feminine and romantic. It was suppled enough to work well. Whether it was woven silk or cotton.

You smiled at the dress. Remembering what he said back then with the 'uninvited' guests. A light blush appeared on your place and left the shop after saying goodbye to the store owner.

° ° °

You soon arrived at the place where Ban and Kilia were waiting. She seemed to be excited to see you again.

You find it cute on how she still acts like back then. Clingy, cheerful and shy. It's funny to compare it from the current time.

You shook your thoughts away and waved at them with a smile. Kilia on the other hand, ran onto you and gave you a tight hug. You fell on the ground hugging her back but with a worried expression because of the baby inside you.

"Kilia come on. Stand up and stop being childish now.."

"Sorry~! I can't help it! I missed you too much Y/n.."

She stood up from her spot and Ban held out a helping hand. You gladly took his offer and immediately gave him a cleaning tool on the same hand he helped you.

"The hell? How did you even manage to get this on my hand?"

"I have my secrets, Ban."

He rolled his eyes with a smirk and went to the fountain. He started to scratch away the moose from it.

Everything was going well until one of the cleaned side of the fountain turned green.

"How in the world did this happen.."
The blue haired girl asked.

"Obviously it's from the moose you dumbo." Ban replied.

Kilia puffed her cheeks and turned to the other side leaving a 'Hmpf' sound. You sweat dropped at the scene they were making, wondring if this happened while you were gone.

You shook your head and continued to clean it. That's when you felt someone staring again.

Chills went down your spine and told the two blue haired siblings what was bothering you. They both kept an eye in every single edge they see, but no one seemed to be around at this afternoon hour. It made you feel anxious.

° ° °

The three of you continued until it was time for you to go. The fountain ended up in a green-ish color which wasn't a good sign at all. Kilia thought about repainting it, but the water source must be dealt with first before painting the insides.

You waved at them again and went back home to see Helbram.

You entered the mansion silently only to see Helbram sitting on the couch again. Only this time, he looked at you with an disappointed expression.

He flew before you and crossed his arms while ticking his foot on the stone ground. You noticed. He wanted answers.

"H-helbram..aren't you going to eat dinner?" You started a conversation.

"That's completely useless now since you never came to dinner for the past two-three days. Me waiting for you for an entire 45 minutes is enough to drive me crazy you know? After seeing you with another male out there in a better shape than I am made me even more crazier."

You tilted your head at his last sentence. Not understanding what he really said.

"Can you repeat the last part?"

"*sigh* It doesn't matter now. Where have you been."

You took one of his hand with a flushed face and gave him something. He held one of his brows up, not knowing what you just handed him.

"You know, we don't really spend much time together nor see each other. So I bought this necklace a while ago and placed a small picture on it."

His pupils widened at its shape and pressed on it. The little necklace heart opened and showed a picture that showed a small, young figure that looked like you.

"I know it doesn't explain my disappearance but I hope you still like it."

He lets out a heavy sigh and sat back down on the couch feeling frustrated. You squeezed your breasts together and sat on Helbram's lap that completely caught him off-guard. You could feel him getting hard slowly and you giggled at it.

"You do realize that i'm an animal when it comes to this kind of thing Y/n." He commented.

He slowly wrapped his arms around your waist and slid his face on your neck. He kissed your surroundings softly and made you moan slightly.

You opened your eyes wide and noticed that you couldn't do it with him again.

You stood up from this lap and looked back at him.

"I'm really tired right about next time 'kay?"

"And when exactly will be this 'next time'?"

Before answering his question, you thought about giving him a hint of your pregnancy. You let out a grin and answered.

"Hm..lets just say in 9 months-"

"9 months?! Are you stupid?! Do you actually think I can hold on that long?!"

"Well I-"

"Might as well have one today instead of doing it in 9 months."

He said while carrying you in bridal style up to his bedroom.

° ° °

"*huff huff*I hate you Helbram..."

"*huff* love you too.."

• • •

Yes, yes the two of you had 'it' again.

Don't worry, the baby is doing just fine. After all, it's barely formed.¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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