Chapter 15 Mysterious Stalker

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Uh oh, I've been inactive lately! Sorry you all needed to wait for too long for this chapter. I've been not doing the greatest so far😅. That was the reason why I couldn't update any chapters for these past 1-2 weeks. Sorry for the inconvenience!🙏💜

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"You heard me. It's your child." You repeated. Making it clear for him to hear.

He took a step closer to you. So close, that you two were now face to face. You looked deep on to his shivering eyes and placed one of your palms on his cheeks. The male let go a tear drop down his cheeks as he reaches for your hand that landed on one of his cheeks.

"No joke?"

"Nope. No joke."

He bursts into tears as he hugged you tightly. He twirled you around and layed you an the bed. Smooching your two soft cheeks.

You laughed at his silly excited reaction and hugged him tightly as he started to place kisses on your neck. You moved around saying that he was tickling you but he didn't listen and just continued teasing you on your neck.

This went on for minutes. Some guests were concerned about you and Helbram's disappearance. But they didn't mind being left behind in the party.

"I'm going to be a father!" He shouted.

"Shut up! They're going to hear you like this! Or are you doing it on purpose?"

"What do you think?"

You lowered your eyelids in annoyance that he might be doing it on purpose after all. You pushed his torso to the side and ran for the door with a grin across your face. You placed a hand on the door knob and opened it and quickly ran for the backyard.

There were still guests having a conversation with each other but mostly the high ranked Liones holy knights stayed. You walked over to the two familiar knight's that have once visited Helbram's place without receiving any invitation.

"Good evening sir Dreyfus and sir Hendrickson."

"Ah, good evening miss Y/n. We thought you went to sleep already." The blue haired one greeted.

Before you could reply them, you felt a soft hand being placed on your shoulder.

"She was but she decided to run away."

You jumped as you happen to see your husband-to-be standing right behind you. You shivered as he moved his hands to your waist. You had a bad feeling of what was going to happen next if the two of you were left alone.

You slowly turned your head to his face. Only to be see an angry grin looking directly at you. You let out a squeak and ran off to a different direction.

"Kilia!" You shouted.

The female turned around to see a weeping Y/n running towards her.

She opened her arms with happiness. As she didn't expect that you'll have time to spend with her this evening.

You leaned your head on her shoulder and hugged back. Still weeping.

"Kilia..Help me..~" You cried.

"Now now. What is there to be so upset about? I thought you were strong and independent."

"I am! But not with him.." You pointed.

Kilia looked at the direction of what your problem might be and face palmed herself with her own two hands. Feeling way too exhausted to be dealing with something she doesn't know or understand on how to help you.

She grabbed one of your hands and lead you to somewhere more quieter. Out of curiosity, you tilted your head a bit as she looked directly at you with an serious expression.

"Kilia, is something the matter?" You started.

" you remember when we first met Helbram at the fountain?"

"Yes, I remember it in fact clearly. What about it?"

The girl took a deep sigh before she started to speak again. This time, she was hesitating.

"Didn't you know..a bit watched by someone?"

You widened your eyelids and covered your mouth in shock. She was right. There was someone you noticed there before Zhivago showed up. The person was standing behind a building.

"I'm guessing by your reaction, that you already knew." She said feeling a bit disappointed.

You nodded slightly and looked around your surroundings.

"Before you say anything else Kilia, I've got some details to share with you."

The girl nodded slightly and moved closer to your face. You then whispered the details you have seen that day.

"The person that was stalking, had worn a yellow-blue cloth. It's hair color was either orange or yellow. I don't remember which one it was anymore."

The younger girl nodded and whispered to you her details of the mysterious person.

"It had short hair, about the same height as Helbram or maybe a bit shorter than him."

The two of you thought about who was that mysterious person but nothing came in mind. It was most likely a person you two had never met before. But in some way, those details were familiar to you.

° ° °

After the two of you finished discussing over the mysterious stalker, you both retreated back to the party.

You went back inside the mansion slowly. Not wanting to get Helbram's attention. Or else you'll be in trouble.

You tried to sneak upstairs back to the room but just as you thought he wouldn't caught you sneaking away, you felt arms wrapping around your hips.

"Gosh darn! Do you have to be everywhere?!" You shouted in a whispering tone.

"Yes and why are you whispering right now?"

"Because the maids and the butlers are taking their break downstairs in the kitchen and I don't want to disturb them."

He rolled his eyes as he placed his chin on your shoulder.

"I feel like you care about them more then you do me." He sniffed.

You smiled at him and continued to walk towards the bedroom door. Helbram still following you with his chin on your shoulder of course.



"You're so childish for a 13 hundred year old man."

"I am- Wait-"

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