Chapter 16 Who is this person

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This book came to it's end.😭😔

Of course, there are chances that I might make a 2nd book of this but it'll take awhile for it to be released since I am releasing a new book on the 3.10.2021😞

There might be an opportunity that I'll be doing them both at the same time but it'll just take a bit longer to publish a chaper. But there is always another book of Helbram x reader that is made from me. And it is even barely close from it's end.😁

You could go check on that. The name of it is written somewhere in this book. And the title says 'Not a Chapter' I think. If you are interested in anyway, please feel free to read it and vote on it. I appreciate you all reading my books.✨💜

Thank you for your time and patience on reading this. Sorry to bother the story. You may continue.😌🍪🥛

° ° °

Long time skip

It's been 5 months since Helbram's birthday and also the baby's 7th month was soon over. Your belly grew even larger that you had expected.

These past 5 months, you also have met other pregnant women that were almost the same month as you. Kilia once compared your belly to the other women and thought you'd have twins. Since it was clearly larger.

° ° °

Today was the day that you were excited about something. You had visited Zhivago this morning in his place and had planned to go somewhere with you and the two siblings.

Of course you didn't think about why he asked you just like that. But he mentioned something like somewhere where no one can find us.

You then said that Helbram should know it first before actually coming with them. He let out with a chuckle and replied that he already told him about it and agreed to it without hesitation.

You planned to come back to Liones in two months, before the baby is going to be born. You wanted Helbram to see, how you gave birth to his own two children.

Now, you were currently packing things inside your bag. The maid and butlers seemed to be nowhere around. You thought nothing much of it and continued packing all by yourself.

Just before you could reach the last piece of clothing, you heard a knocking at your door. You tilted your head and told the person to come in.


You turned around surprised that he came to visit you before you could go. In a long trip.

"Helbram!" You shouted.

You hurried to his direction and gave him a kiss on the lips. He smiled and gave you a kiss on the forehead in return.

"Why did you come to visit me in the last moment? Wait, are you skipping work?!"

"Hey's only for a few minutes. I wanted to say goodbye to my waifuu before she's gone for soo long."

You giggled and kissed him again. This time, it was his cheeks.

"Don't be such a cry baby Helbram! I'll only be gone for less than two months or so. We'll see each other as soon as possible!" You shouted feeling confident.

Helbram's face turned into a frown and started to tear up. You jumped in suprise on why he started crying. You tried giving him comfort but he continued.

After a while, he calmed down and sighed.

"Y/n, I've been meaning to ask you this for awhile. If I would've pass away, would you be still able to live without me?" He asked.

You stood there in silence. Not knowing how to answer his question since it's was so sudden. You scratched your head and thought about it.

Then, something got to your senses. A memory suddenly started to show up that never even happened to you. A girl with a book filled with flower sketches showed up in your head. She was a bit chubby. But something was familiar to the two of you. She had the same hair, eye color and was also pregnant.(Read the special 1k chapter if you want to know the storyline of that reincarnation of Y/n.)

A young green haired boy then showed up besides her. Smiling and giving the young girl's belly soft kisses.

There were multiple of them showing up in your mind. And all of them, were carrying a baby of the man that you were currently with.

Helbram reached for you cheeks as he noticed you tearing up in sadness. You crumbled to the ground as you noticed that you weren't the only one who did it to you.

"Y/n! What happened?! Is something the matter?"

You slapped his hands away from your face and cried out loud.

" betrayed me! You filthy liar!"


"How dare you use me as one of your toys! Maybe that was the reason why you were gone since I was a child! You hooked up with other women I have never met or seen before!! I hate you!"

You stormed out with Helbram following and calling you from behind. You slowly moved your phase faster as he got closer to you. Just as you were about to think you were safe, you stumbled on a rock.

"Y/N!" You heard an unclear voice shout as you landed on the ground.

You looked around your surroundings and saw familiar faces standing around your body. But those female faces were women you have never seen before in the village. But familiar in someway.

° ° °

'Ah, another doom for our reincarnation. What a pity..'

'Yes, and it was so close too!'

'Please. These generations will never end until one finally makes it alive.'

'Let's send our soul to another baby-'

'Wait wait Y/n number 1. Don't you think we should choose a powerful one this time? Choosing a royal family wasn't really the best option. Maybe one that can really defend herself-'

'But i'm-'

'Shh I know you were an assassin number 3.'

'Number 4 is right though. The choices we made wasn't really the best..I mean, look at number 5. She clearly couldn't even defend herself from a stone!'

'Alright, let's give it another try.'

'Ai ai number 1!'

° ° °

Born in a burning kingdom.

Caused by traitors from the town.

A mother who passed away.

An unknown man who saved you from that ruckus.

The baby was sleeping peacefully in his arms.


"This Y/n..IS MINE!"

° ° °

Dun dun dun!

The end of the story is here people! I will be informing you all on the next book as soon as I find time to write it.

Of course you need patience for that and I hope you are a patient person for that.😏

Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed this. Goodbye everyone!🥛🍪

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