Chapter 5 Turned on

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Dear readers

This will be almost like a Lemon's not. He's only going to be teasing you that's all :)
° ° °

"Well, if your uncomfortable with it. I'll change back for you."

He grabbed your hand tightly and took you to your bed room. Well... yours and Helbram's bed room.

While the both of you headed to the room, Helbram quickly changed back to his normal form. Sometimes you wonder how old he really is. He looks so young in his current form. Maybe around 17 or 18 years old.

"Y/n~, do me a favor and wear something light." He said while licking his mouth in need.

"W-what do you mean S-sir Helbram?"

"I want you to change into showing."

If you don't like wearing clothes that shows a lot of skin. Please hang in there :,)

Your face burned bright red and went to the changing room like you were told to. You searched through your closet and found a f/c short night gown. This night gown that you found showed so much skin that it also were able to see your butt.

After you changed into it, you heard a knock on the door. You turn around to see who it was even tho you already knew who it's going to be. Helbram looked at you in need when he saw you in that gown. He came closer to and closer until you hit the wall behind you. You were trapped inside the changing room with him.

'Is he going to do it?' You thought to yourself.

He grabbed your hips and pulled you closer to him. His head slowly moved to your neck and started kissing between your jaw and shoulder. It made you moan softly into his ears. It turned him on everytime you let out a moan.

You felt his kneecap playing with your womanhood that made you moan even louder than before. The pleasure he was giving you stopped after someone knocked on the door.

His left hand that were on the wall besides you, turned into fists. His head turned back to see who it was.

"Come in." He said in a harsh tone.

The one that knocked on the door was our butler Manfred.(just gave him a random name since it suddenly popped in my head.)

"Manfred, didn't i tell you to not bother us?"

"I'm truly sorry sir but we have some guests waiting for you in the living room." He bowed.

"Guests? I didn't invite anyone. Anyway, That doesn't matter. Y/n change into the clothes you had earlier and come to the living room."

After he took one good look at you with a smirk, he left the changing room with Manfred and closed the door.

You searched in the Washing room for the clothes you were wearing earlier. It seems that one of the maids already took your stuff and washed them. You headed back to the changing room and wore a similar style that you had earlier this morning.

You headed to the living room like Helbram told earlier said. Two familiar faces showed up but not the two faces you were searching for today.

You walked up to their current convention and greeted them with a polite smile. You then sat down next to Helbram and moved your head on his shoulder.

You looked at the two men that was slightly confused by your sudden move on Helbram.

"It seems that the both of you are close, Helbram." The brown haired man said with a smile.

Helbram let out a 'heh' sound and deeply sighed in disappointment.

"I was going to propose to her this evening but it was sort of disturbed by a certain someone." After he finished his sentence, he glanced at his left side to our butler Manfred.

Your eyes went wide when you heard the word 'propose'. You moved away your head from Helbram's shoulder and looked at him in concern. He then glanced at you with a smirk that made you turn away from him. You muffled something quietly underneath your silky soft h/c hair and walked away from the three men.

"Did you hear something Hendrickson?"

"No, i didn't understand a thing..." The man with blue hair replied.

° ° °

You went ouside to visit the fountain place agian and hoped to find someone on the way who could help you with cleaning it.

You looked through the glass at the wedding market that is now closed. One of the dresses then caught your eyes. It wasn't very visible but it was a stand doll that was wearing a wedding dress surrounded with flowers.

(Just found a familiar one but the flower colors are by your choice. I just like it this way :P)

You saw that dress somewhere before but you just don't remember when

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You saw that dress somewhere before but you just don't remember when...

After staring at the dress for a long time, chills wen't down your spine. You had that feeling that someone was watching you from afar. So, you continued walking towards the fountain's direction instead of staying there admiring the dress.

Not long after, you finally reached the fountain but there were two people standing at the right side from it. You slowed down a bit to take a closer look from the two people. The lights started flickering above them and made your steps stop.

"Oh darn...should we fix that light tomorrow Ban?" The female said with a high pitched tone.

"I don't know if i have another light bulb stored, Kilia. The light bulb's costs to much these days. I think we should leave it be for now." He replied.

You couldn't believe it. You finally found them.

Instead of walking forward, you walked backwards and stepped on a branch.

'Oh come on! It wasn't here just now!'

Both of them turned to your direction. You flinched and started to wave at them. You can tell that they couldn't recognize you because of the darkness. You took a few steps forward to the light and looked at them with a nervous smile.

"'s been awhile huh...?"

Unwanted Love (Helbram x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now