Chapter 14 Revealed

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Before you start, I just want to state, on why people from Chapter 5 are skipping 6 to read Chaper 7 the lemon part? You all Horny.

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Everyone ran around the mansion to decorate, bake, planning for mini games and cook for a big day today. Even you had to suffer running around the place. The butlers needed help with the cooking recipe and the maids needed help with cleaning the entire mansion. Well, atleast they needed to ask you where the stuff are being placed.

Even some store owners came by to ask why there were so many people from the mansion. Of course you didn't want anyone else to take part on the party except for the holy knights and some friends of yours. You only replied 'It's a special day' to them and immediately closed the door before they reply something else.

Helbram's shift was almost over and everyone stood there except for the upcoming guests that have been invited by you. You were feeling nervous as you started to bite on you finger nails.

*clack* *clack* *clack*

Manfred and Magnolia both looked at you and tilted their heads slightly. They were concerned about your behavior.

"Miss Y/n? Is something the matter?" The maid standing besides you asked.

You moved your head slightly to the female and gave her a barely visible smile.

"I'm fine, thank you.."

Your attention quickly turned to the front door as you heard voices from outside. There were many voices and you couldn't quite hear the voice you were expecting to arrive. You lowered your head once again in disappointment.

"Damit, where's the key?" Said a familiar voice from outside.

You raised your head once again filled with excitement. Your eyed widened as the door unlocked itself. It revealed a green-haired male with an exhausted face and a few more others that joined along with him.

As his head raises towards you. He too started to widened his eyes.

. . .

"Happy Birthday sir Helbram!" Said the workers. Making Helbrem get all flustered up by your secret preparation for his birthday.

You walked up towards the tall man and hugged him tightly.

"Happy Birthday to you, Helbram." You said happily.

The man hugged you back tightly and placed a hand on your head.(I hate his human form so bad, that i'm cringing every single word i'm writing.)

"Y/n, did you prepare all this to surprise me?" He questioned while getting something from behind.

You nodded as he slowly went down to his knees. His face and body slowly changed into a young one. Just like in the beginning. You covered your mouth with both of your hands as you saw him reach out a small box from behind.

"Helbram you-"

"Will you marry me?" He interrupted.

Your body couldn't react no more. You were irritated but yet so happy. Why the feeling irritation though?

You shook your head to prevent your tears from falling. You slapped one of his cheeks and hugged him.

"You idiot! Of course I do! But why change your form infront of everyone!?"

The man chuckled. You raised one of your brows and crossed your arms as you released him from the hug. You wanted to know what he finds so funny.

"Sorry, I couldn't help myself. But I can't just propose to a young lady like you while I was on that old human form. It would make know, awkward."

"Cardinal Helbram is right. Here in Liones, people are forbidden to be in a relationship when one of them looks like in their 60's while the other one on their 20's." Hendrickson added that stood right behind him.

He once again lets out a chuckle and wrapped you around his arms. He snuggled his face on your hair and didn't want to let go.

Manfred and Magnolia walked towards the crowd Helbram brought with him and offered them all some drinks and snacks while the two of you were being left alone. Still hugging.

• • •

Since the evening started to kick in, the cake was served to everyone who came. People were constantly gambling, talking, eating and even challenging each other on a match.

It was the most exciting evening you have ever had and so has Helbram. Since he showed his identity on the proposal, you couldn't be separated from him anymore. You were stuck on his arm this entire time and the others doesn't seem to be bothered at all.

There weren't many ladies in the party except for you, Kilia, Magnolia and two other holy knights that had a conversation ouside at the garden.

You couldn't confront the two ladies and continued to snuggle on Helbram's arm. He chuckled at your childish behavior and gave you a peck on the forehead. You moved your figure away from him but still held his arm. The two of you stared at each other's eyes. Not even moving a single inch. The longer you stared into his dull golden eyes, the more you started to remember the surprise you wanted to tell him.

You jumped back and released his arm that you wrapped around for hours. You glanced to the garden filled with holy knights and dreamed about getting married right here.

"Hey Y/n. Time to go to bed sis." A blue haired figure interrupted your dreams.

"Ban, get out of here! I prepared this party. So I can stay awake as long as I want to!"

The man that was standing beside you sighed and decided to do it himself.

"Helbram, No! Bad boy!" You shouted.

"Sorry, but I can't allow you to stay awake too long after waking up early in the morning."

The blue haired male that watched you being dragged to your bedroom, sticked out his tongue and laughed at you.

You on the other side, were struggling to get off his grip. You stopped as you realized what would've happened if you fell on the ground. You silently dug into Helbram's chest and thought about what else might have happened. You let out a squeak and closed your eyes tightly.

The man that was carrying you in bridal style, noticed you stopping on struggling around and heard silent squeaking noises. As he put you down on the king-sized bed, he held your chin up towards him.

"Y/n, is something bothering you?" He asked with a notice of care.

"I'm fine..just a bit tired." You replied without looking into his eyes.

"You are lying to me."

. . .

"I'm not.."

"Then tell me this: are you hooking up with someone?"

You widened your eyes and stood up from the bed making him also stand up straight.

"What are you talking about?! No i'm not! How could you even come up with something like that?!"

He lets out another sigh and pointed at his idea of you hooking up with someone. Your belly.

You started to giggle on his reason and ended up laughing on the bed so hard that you almost turned to your belly side.

The male was confused on why you were laughing on his reason. So, he stood there crossing his arms.

"I didn't actually think you'd figure it out!"

"So you are hooking up with someone!"

"No! The child is from you! Idiot!"



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