Chapter 4 Hide and Seek

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" lied to me..." You said while shaking on the floor.

"To be honest y/n, I have no idea why I took you that time. Maybe it's because I had to keep you away from telling anyone about my 'wrong doing'."

He then moved closer to you making you stand up and walk backwards until you hit the wall behind you.

You then closed your eyes to prevent to not seeing what he's about to do. Not long after, you felt a soft and warm touch on your cheek. You opened your eyes in disbelief.

Why is he doing this?

Does he want to kill you?

Should you run for it?

You then reached his hand slowly to make sure he doesn't attack you with his weapon. You clenched his hand with yours and looked into his eyes. He looked shocked at your reaction. He hasn't expected for you to react like this.

He let out a brief sigh and summoned his weapon away.

"This is not what I have planned at all..." Helbram said while stroking his hair backwards in frustration.

You just stood there infront of him, listening to his mumbling.

"I meant to throw you out of that mansion but noooo I had to invite you here to the Liones. Why can't I just send you away!" He screamed at you agian.

You said nothing to his speech. You were to exhausted to react anymore. You need break.

"Helbram, no matter what you say or think about me. I will stay by your side forever."

Those were your last words before you collapsed on the ground. Helbram started to panic. He called for your butler to grab you but he was useless. So, he did it himself in bridle style.

° ° °

You woke up in the middle of the night with Helbram sleeping next to you. He was still in his 'true form' but it didn't bother you much. You sat there looking at his beautiful face until you heard a voice from outside the door. You stood up making sure to not wake up Helbram from his sleep. Your legs were a bit shaking but that wasn't because you were scared. You then slowly wen't for the door knob and opened it carefully. You looked around the area and spotted the entrance door fully open.

'Thieves?' You thought to yourself.

You quickly went downstairs not knowing you were making loud noices. The wind coming from the fully opened door made you shiver. You decided to close it. Big mistake.

It made loud creek noices that would definitely wake up Helbram. You then heard some blankets noices from the room you came from. Now you definitely woke him up for sure.

You hid behind the red couch that stood on the left side of the entrance. You closed your mouth with both of your hands.

"Did she flee?" He quietly said making sure not to wake up the maid's and butler's.

"Oh~, look what I found here. Y/n's foot prints, how adorable."

"Y/n~ I know you're down there~."

You heard him slowly walking down the stairs that made you yelp in nervousness.

"Aww, scared are ya~?" He teased.

"Come out already, I know where you are. Do you want me to punish you?" He said aggressively.

You squint your eyes together and gave up. You stood up from your hiding spot and trembled infront of him.

Helbram then slowly stroke your head and repeatedly said 'good girl'.

Unwanted Love (Helbram x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now