How does she do it - First Part

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There was a time when I felt like a shadow of a person. But ever since I've been able to show the world what I can do, I feel like anything is possible. And for once in my life, I can finally have it all. But one thing I know for sure, nothing can ruin my mood today.

As she flew around National City, Kara suddenly noticed red laser dots on her arm. Looking up, she immediately spotted the black drone flying overhead. She picked up speed in an instant, the aircraft evading her and fleeing away. 

Twice she tried to grab it, and twice it escaped her grasp, gaining a sudden boost of speed in an effort to avoid the caped Kryptonian. Suddenly, the drone dove toward the ground, Kara hot on its heels. She continued to try and grab it as it flew between the traffic, eventually flying into a tunnel. 

Just as Kara realized that the drone was going into the metro tunnel, her earpiece rang.

"Hello?" she said as she engaged flew deeper into the ground

"Kara?" Oliver's voice said, "Is everything alright?"

"Peachy, why?"

"Well, imagine my surprise when I'm on my break, taking a big bite of my panini, in which they put too much chipotle sauce again, listening to a live feed of one of YouTuber here in National City, only to see a black drone dive into a tunnel entrance, a blue, red and blond blur right behind it."

"It's taunting me!" she said as she followed the drone through the tunnel, spotting a light further ahead of the tunnel

"I'm not sure how it's supposed to be able to do that when you can fly supersonic and have light-speed heat vision canon in your eye sockets," he said

"You want me to shoot heat-vision at it?"

"Not in the tunnels! There are gas pipes down there!"

"Then what?" 

"Well, catch up to it?"

"You're not helpful right now"

"Well, it's not like I could shoot an arrow in it from here. Why don't you blow at it? Wait until you're in the next metro station and blast it outside"

"Wouldn't it be just as bad then shooting heat-vision? There surely are gas lines there too?"

"What direction did you take after entering the station?"

"Left. Why?"

"Alejandro Manzano was in front of Kennedy Station. That would mean that you're heading toward Catco's station. And there is... no gas lines above it"

"And how would you know that?"

"Vasquez is beside me. You own me one now because I had to interrupt her gaming session to get you that information"

"So it's safe to blast through the roof?"

"Yep, but be sure to do it right above the rail, there's only a line of trees above it, so no risk of hitting civilians either"

"Thanks," Kara said, as she suddenly saw that the lights ahead weren't from the station, but from a metro train, coming in at full speed!

She, and the drone, instantly flattened against the wall of the tunnel while still flying fast. The aircraft somehow picked up speed as the train was passed them, going straight to the station.

"You should probably be there soon Kara"

"I see it!" she said, speeding up just as they entered the open space of the station.

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