Livewire - First Part

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Oliver was walking in the DEO, with all of his body tensed. Behind him, two of his agents were following, the source of their collective worry chained up between them.

The huge alien was following their cautious pace, but it wouldn't have taken a genius to guess that it wasn't happy to be there. 40 minutes earlier, the DEO agents had busted in right in the middle of its fight in a clandestine alien fight club.

And now, after much patience, the tranquillizer had finally worn off completely.

It was only his prisoner's snarl that warned Oliver about what was about to happen. He barely had time to turn around in time to see one of his men be thrown in the wall. Together, he and his remaining partner raised their rifles and shot tranquillizer darts right into the prisoner's chest.

Unfortunately, just like earlier that day, the weapon proved ineffective. It seemed that they would need Kara's help again. "Kara!" he called as he ran toward the HQ, his partner hot on his heels

They barely made it into the open-cavern before Oliver and his man were thrown across the room. And while the archer was lucky enough to land in a roll, his partner landed right into another agent. Alarms rang alive as Oliver saw agents come from the armoury, weapons drawn.

The first shots that landed on the prisoner did next to nothing, the shooter finding himself thrown through a glass panel the next second. However, when the alien turned around, it was a much, much more powerful weapon that landed on its jaw: Kara's fist. 

The blond didn't give her opponent much time to think, sending another hook right across the other alien's cheek immediately. Oliver ran up and used his whole body to immobilize the alien left arm. As she steps back to avoid a slap, Kara heard the chip in her ear, ring. She pressed on it only to hear her sister's nervous voice.

"Where are you?"

"Busy" she answered, stepped forward in the fight

"Is she really calling you now?" Oliver snarled as another agent that had tried to come and help was kicked in the leg, unwillingly backflipping in the air before landing flat on the concrete ground.

Seeing Kara, the alien tried to shove Oliver into her but the Kryptonian caught her wrist, stopping the strike (and Oliver's face) a few inches from her.

"Yes. You know she's nervous about today" Kara sighed as she answered

"Damn right I am. And you two promised me that you were going to be here"

Oliver suddenly took out his taser and jammed it into the upper arm of the prisoner, distracting it. Kara used that opportunity to kick her opponent right in the chin, bringing it down on its knees.

The archer barely had the time to register his sudden fall and Kara propelling herself in the air before he hit the ground. He quickly, and thankfully, recovered, and rolled out of the way when she dove down, using the gravity, her flight powers and her superpowered muscles to give her punch power, almost knocking the alien out with it.

"And we will be" Kara assured as she turned around in the spot she had landed "Just dealing with an alien prisoner who got loose"

The Kryptonian tried to ignore the exasperated hiss her sister did as she hung up. She tried to send a jab, then another, but the alien quickly pulled her in her arms, locking her there. 

She first tried to force her opponent to open her arms, but it proved more difficult then what she expected

"Fly up, Kara!" Oliver shouted "Up and down"

Getting the idea, the blond took flight, bringing the other alien along with her. Once she was near to the ceiling, she shot back and down into the ground, her opponent used as a safety cushion in the process.

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