Pilot - Third Part

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An hour later, Kara was sitting in the DEO's medbay as Alex extracted a piece of metal from her arm. "You're going to be okay" she was assured, placing the sample in a tube

"Looks like we won't have to stitches this" Oliver said from the door way, clearly seeing Kara's skin instantly heal 

"I've never felt pain like that before" Kara said "Uh, I've never felt pain"

"You're not indestructible, Kara" Alex said, bringing the tube to a computer station to put it into a scanner

"Nice move, nearly letting that alien cut you in half" Hank said sarcastically before he turned toward Alex, missing Oliver's glare at him. "If we can ID his weapon, it might gives us a way to defeat him."

A second later, a file spruced up on the screen, making Director Henshaw laugh "Look at that!" He took the sample from the scanner and headed toward the door, but not before saying "You did help"

Once he was out, Kara looked to Oliver "Did you know about my mom? That she was the one who locked up all those aliens?"

Alex sighed from where she had just put down the tongs she had used to take the metal out of her sister's arm "It's why I didn't want you going out there. Showing yourself, showing this" she gestured at the symbols on Kara's chest "The Fort Rozz escapees would give anything to get revenge on your mother and the only way that they can do that now is to hurt you. It's why I asked Oliver to watch over you"

Kara suddenly looked up, looking at her friend, who only tightly smiled

"Oliver is our best combatant and was able to survive fights with some of the strongest aliens we had to capture. He was not there to shoot you down, he was guarding you in case someone came after you. We're trying to protect you"

"And you were right..." Kara smiled sadly, as she got up "I can't take them on. I can't fight them. The world doesn't need me."

As she reached the door, Kara stopped and looked at her friend "I'm sorry, about what I've said to you. You can come home... if you still want to waste your time protecting someone like me..."

She then walked out of the place, leaving Oliver and Alex to share a concerned look.


Later that night, Kara was sitting on her couch when she heard a knock on her door. She didn't react, turning her head only when she heard Alex's voice "Kara, it's me. Can we talk?"

She used her X-ray vision and sure enough, there was her sister, letting her arms fall when she seemed to understand that Kara had no intentio of opening up. "I know you can see me."

"I know what you're thinking. That this is all your fault. But it's not." she said, as Kara brought her knees under her chin "Before you came to live with us, I was the star. And then, I mean, how could I compete with you? With someone who could touch the stars?

"You know, I was happy when you decided not to use your powers." Alex admitted "You know, you feeling like less, somehow it... made me feel like more. Now the world needs you to fly, Kara."

Suddenly, Kara opened the door, looking as defeated as she could be "I can't, Alex. I can't do it."

"Yes, you can." said Oliver as he walked down the corridor "Because your family believes in you."

"I know you guys do" sighed Kara

"Oh, I don't mean Alex" Oliver clarified as took the his backpack off, taking something out of it

"That Kryptonese writing."


"Hank and his old team recovered it from the pod that brought you to Earth" Alex explained as Kara examined the object, which she recognized as a projector

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