Livewire - Third Part

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"What's the emergency?" Kara asked as soon as she was in Cat's office

"Last minute conference call to London and Beijing and nothing is working." the media CEO answered without even turning to greet her employee "Not my computer, not my phone, not my backup phone. I got that text off to you and then, boom! Everything just died."

"Maybe that's a sign you shouldn't work on Thanksgiving" Kara joked as she tried to bring Cat's computer back to life

"I always work on Thanksgiving, thank you very much," Cat said flatly "I know it probably seems sad to you, but I love it. Carter is with his dad, my mother won't eat a flightless bird, and I am not pulled in 400 different directions by employees who need constant wet-nursing."

Kara sighed "I think we need Winn's help."

"What's a 'Winn'?"

Kara looked at her, not sure how to react with appearing condescending and disappointed "He's... He's the IT guy. Sit right across from me."

However, before Cat could answer, the power went completely off, making the Kryptonian huff in exasperation while Cat's said "What fresh incompetence is this?"

"Gobble, Gobble. Miss me?" a voice echoed in the office

While Kara recognized it too, it was Cat who asked the question that was on their lips "Leslie?"

"No. Leslie Willis is dead. D-E-A-D. Dead. She died in that CatCopter of yours." the voice said after the TV monitor behind Cat's desk came back to life, making Kara walk back "This is Leslie 2.0 Livewire. And you and I... We're going to have some words"

"My God, Leslie," Cat said in contempt.

This seemingly triggered the now snow-white-haired woman, as bright sparks flew from the monitors, making both Cat and her assistant jump. Suddenly, electricity surged through them and covered into a single point, where it took the form of the short-careered traffic reporter Leslie Willis.

She instantly shot two beams of electricity out of her hands, making the side table's lamp blow up. It was all the prompting that Kara and her boss needed to turn around and start running.

They barely made it to the office's door before Leslie flashed behind them, shooting a beam after them. Somehow, they were once again spared, the bolt of lightning crashing in the purple statue that had, until this very moment, been 'guarding' the floor's reception. The statue's destruction served at least one other purpose, as the dust from its demise covered Cat and Kara long enough for them to get to cover in James' office.

"She was in a coma" Kara hissed in a whisper

"Yeah. Clearly, she's recovered."

"Mr. Grant, we have to get help."

"Yes. Yes. Security. Security is 20 floors down." agreed Cat "Go, go. I'll keep her busy."

"But..." Kara tried to object, but Cat was having none of it.

"No, 20 floors down. Go, go."

Reluctantly, Kara nodded and ran toward the emergency stairs, cursing the fact that she didn't have her phone to call reinforcements. As soon as she was in a corner without surveillance cameras, grateful to Oliver for convincing her to search for such a place, she changed and sped to a balcony.

"As she was circling the building, she heard Cat say "What happened to you, Leslie?"

"I've transcended." the white-haired said "Do you really care how or why?"

"Not particularly" Cat answered just as Kara arrived on their side of the building.

She saw Livewire charge another attack and flew right through the window, placing herself between Cat and the electric discharge. She bore through it, clenching her fists until Livewire ended the surge.

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