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Hey, apparently those kind of thing are still a thing and I'll be honest, I'm really surprised that I was tagged in one. But still, might as well do it.

Tagged by: _KaRaMeL_4_Ever_

List two fact about yourself

1. I'm the proud father of a 3 years old boy at the age of 21. He was a surprise, yes, but damn I wouldn't change it for anything. He became the center of my world and is the brightest part of my life

2. I'm Canadian, more specifically from Quebec. My first language is french (or at least the butchered version of it that we use here) but I quickly learned English, not thanks to school, but thanks to this app, where I realized that most of the good stories are in Her Majesty's language.

Do you like someone?

My wife

Do they like you back?

I'll take a bet and say yes... Or is it "I do"?

Do you play an instrument?

I played the trumpet 🎺 in high school. All my other attempts at playing music ended very shortly, as something else always took up my time. I've stopped trying since my son's birth.

What is your nickname

Most call me Charles (in french, the english it sound weird to me), but my mother call me 'chameau' (camel in french) for some reason she has yet to explain to me

What do you hate the most about a person

Selfishness. That is what I consider the worst sin of humanity.

What is your current lock screen?

What is your favorite part about yourself?

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What is your favorite part about yourself?

My son

How many languages do you speak?

Deux, je parles français, but I also dare to think that I'm decent enough in english.

Tag 15 people

I don't pretend to know any of these following people, I just took people who have left comments on my fics (at the exception of GandalfBeard, who wrote my favorite Harmony fanfiction ever). Whether or not I tagged you or not, I don't expect you to this, but if you do, please ah me, I love reading about people!
















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