Livewire - Second part

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"I truly hate hospitals," Cat said as she came back into the hospital room where Kara was watching over a sleeping Leslie "How much longer until it's appropriate for us to leave?"

"You don't really mean that," Kara said, not very knowing herself if it was as a question or a statement

"Oh, I do." Cat retorted "I am intensely germ-phobic. And I'm not crazy about Leslie's new look. It's very Katy Perry."

"If you didn't care about Leslie, you wouldn't be paying for this hospital room." Kara tried to appeal "Does she have any family?"

"Not that she's mentioned"

"Well, then, who were those from?" Kara wondered, gesturing to the flowers and balloons in the room

"Her fans. Apparently, there's a whole shrine in front of Catco. I'm certain I'm going to have to step over it when I go in."

Kara sighed "Supergirl must feel awful."

"Why?" Cat asked "That archer friend of hers saved the pilot, nobody was harmed extensively when the CatCopter crashed in that restaurant and Leslie is still alive?"

When Kara looked at her boss, she saw the few hints of guilt that she had learned to read on Cat's closed demeanour "I put her in that helicopter. If anybody should feel guilty, it's me. Not that I do." she said before she completely closed off again "Okay, that's long enough. We paid our respects, and I have a company to run. After you."

Kara, feeling her dismissal, walked out of the room, putting some distance between her and the door even as she distinctively heard Cat say "Get up off your ass, Willis. You and I both know that you're tougher than a bolt of lighting. Come on."

Now for the latest on Leslie Willis, the shock-jock National City loves to hate. Willis is currently in a coma at National City General, although her fate would have been much more grim had it not been for the timely arrival of Supergirl.

"Turn it off" Eliza all but ordered from the kitchen, wiping the proud smile off Alex's face

"I'm watching it"

"Off" Eliza repeated

"I knew it" Alex sighed as she complied and turned the TV off "You are mad. Well, go ahead and say it"

"I don't understand how you could allow this. Let your sister put on that cape"

"She had done amazing things." Alex defended as she stood up

"I know that, and I am very proud of her, but she's also put herself in danger."

"She's an adult. She's going to do things that you don't like. That is not my fault."

"She's been here 12 years, and still thinks deep down everyone is as good as she is." Eliza uselessly remembered Alex "We both know better. You should have stopped her. I... I thought I could count on you to watch out for her. But instead, you let yourself be distracted by some shallow guy's good look"

"Careful" Alex all but snarled at her mother "You might know better about people but you don't know anything about Oliver. He is one of the most selfless people on this planet and I will not let you say otherwise!!!"

Eliza took a step back, taken aback by Alex's tone as she continued "You better be nice to him tonight, or we'll be out the door before you even know it. He saved my life way too many times for me to let anyone, even my own mother, insult him without consequences."

Alex took a deep breath to try and calm herself "As for Kara, she decided to come out! And for the record, I did try to stop her, but I'll let you ask her why she decided to become Supergirl. I am done letting you put all the blame on me! If you want to control her life, do it yourself, not through me."

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