Stronger Together - First Part

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When people see that red cap, they expect to see a certain someone. Someone they know. But this isn't his story. It's mine. It's been a week since I revealed myself to National City. So far, things are going pretty well. I think I might actually have a handle on this.

Kara suddenly flew down, dodging a missile before veering to the left, escaping two others.

"Is that the fastest you can go?" Hank asked on the comms from where he was overlooking with a pair of binoculars.

"Are these tests mandatory for everyone or just because I'm a..."

"It is not because you're a woman, Miss Danvers." he cut her, walking back toward the camp the DEO had set up for the exercises "The DEO requires rigorous physical and psychological evaluation for all its prospective fields operatives."

"I was going to say 'alien'" Kara retorted

"A novice superhero could be a liability in a field. I need to know you're in full control of your powers." he explained, passing by Alex as she watched her sister fly "Stamina, strength, speed."

Taking that as a challenge, Kara pushed on, going faster. And as she flew over the camp, a loud bang was heard, making the glass panels in the camp shatter

"My sister just broke the sound barrier, sir" she exclaimed

"Fire again" Hank ordered, two missiles launched a second later.

Kara saw them on each side of her, flying upward suddenly. The missiles tried to close in of her but ended up colliding with each other, exploding mid-air.

Kara immediately went back toward the ground, landing by the command center. "So, did I pass?"

Hank scoffed with a smirk and walked down the stairs "I see you share your cousin's appetite for want on destruction, Miss Danvers."

"You know, I am starting to answer to Supergirl." she said as they joined Alex, but when she saw his perplexed face, she quickly added "It's cool, we'll... we'll find our thing."

He nodded sceptically and walked off, Alex smiling at her sister's attempt to warm up with Director Henshaw

"Is all of this really necessary?" Kara asked with a lowered voice when he was out of earshot "I'm ready, Alex, for all of it. I can do this"

"Believe it or not, he's just looking out for you." she said "You know, we both are. Oliver too"

Kara sigh, looking around "Well, Oliver clearly isn't looking out for anything around here."

"He had to supervise the hand-to-hand combat training earlier this morning. Training that I did too. For a whole year before Director Henshaw even let me in the field." she added

However, when she saw that Kara was still annoyed, Alex swiftly changed the subject "But I'm really glad that you're here, though." she said, making Kara chuckle "I hated keeping this whole part of my life from you."

"Oliver didn't seem like he regretted it..."

"He was of the opinion that staying away from the kind of hardships this life brings would be better for you. He lied, because he thought he was protecting you, like he has for a year now."

"I just don't know how to feel about the fact that he is such a good liar. Much better than I though you were when we were growing up."

"That's what a good liar makes you think." she smiled

Suddenly, Winn voice came over from her earpiece "Supergirl. Come in, Supergirl."

"Winn, what is it? I'm kind of busy right now?" she said, turning her head around

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