Introduction and Cast

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My name is Oliver Queen. After five years in hell, I had come home with only one goal, to save my city. But to protect my sister, I had to take the blame for the death of our friend, Sara Lance and face off against one of the deadliest people on earth, Ra's Al Ghul. I ultimately failed and was pushed down a cliff. But to my surprise, what I landed on wasn't snow, but the concrete floor of an organization called the DEO. And to adapt to a literally different universe where I had supposedly died, I had to become someone else, I had to become something else"


"You always know how to make me smile Danvers"

Stephen Amell as Oliver Queen, the Arrow

"You are my hero, you know. No one else would drop by just to give me ice cream."

Melissa Benoist as Kara Danvers, Supergirl

"Oliver, if you hadn't stepped in, we wouldn't be having this conversation"

David Harewood as Hank Henshaw/J'onn Jozz, the Martian Manhunter

"I will find out who the Arrow is"

Mechad Brook as James Olsen

"Jealousy, my name is Olsen"

Jeremy Jordan as Winslow 'Winn' Schott

"Your problem is that you keep comparing all the guys you meet to Oliver Queen"

Chyler Leigh as Alex Danvers

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