How does she do it - Second Part

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"Kara, do you have the Live?" James asked the PA, interrupting her from what she was looking at on her computer with Carter

"Oh, uh, Live, plus seven days ratings for the Midwest satellite stations." the blond said, quickly taking the said documents from her desk "There"

"Thank you" the Creative director and surrogate CE0 nodded, taking them "Mm, how are you doing?"

"Handling. Digital called, so it sounds like you are, too"

Grimacing, the man immediately headed back to Cat's office

"That guy knows Superman, right?" Carter asked once James had retreated far enough

"Yes, he does"

"Do you think he could get Superman to introduce me to Supergirl?"

Kara sighed internally at the irony "You are definitely your mother's son."

Suddenly, her cellphone rang, interrupting whatever the boy had to answer to that

"Yeah, what's up?" she said, having recognized her sister's number

"I am at Lord Tech, with a bomb that is going off in a minute"

"On my way," she immediately said. However, as she was walking away, she remembered who she was supposed to take care of

"Carter, um..." she turned around "I have an emergency errand to run"

When the boy shrugged, not minding in the least, she hurried to Winn "I need you to watch Ms. Grant's son."

"Whoa! Like, really?" the IT looked up "Because I am not good with kids"

"You eat cereal for dinner and your desk is covered with toys"

"They are not toys. They are adult collectibles" he objected, turning in his chair to pick one. However, when he went to turn around, Kara was already gone "Yeah, yeah. Yeah, I got it" he sighed

"Alex, you need to get out of here!" Oliver said on the comms

"You think I don't know that?" she hissed before turning toward the mull-headed billionaire who was stubbornly searching on the shelves "Mr. Lord, we need to get out of here!"

"I can delay the detonation by freezing the circuitry."

"There's no time!"

"Alex, get-oh thanks god" the DE0's second-in-command didn't have time to wonder what had made her boyfriend sigh in relief because a rushed wind made her whirl around

"Supergirl. Thank God you're here" 

"Not a problem, plenty of time"

"This bomb is like a high-tech daisy cutter."Max said, taking the explosive device to the superhero "If it blows, it'll produce an overpressure of 2000 pounds per square inch."

"That'll level 30 square blocks," Alex translated when she saw the confused look ca her sister's face "You need to get it clear of the city" 

The next second, Kara was already flying off

Back in the DEO, the whole main hub was watching nervously

"She's nearing the ocean. Approaching Mach Two" Valdez said 

"She's not far enough from the city" the Director concluded 

"Kara, change bearing," Oliver said 

"Which way?"

"Up!" both men answered, seeing the Kryptonian's tracker get further away from National City

 "She's ain't going to make it... Throw the bomb away, Kara!" the archer urged 

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