Fight or Flight - Second Part

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"Reactron" Hank answered after Kara asked who the flying man had been "At least that's what The Daily Planet colourfully dubbed him when he showed up in Metropolis a few years back."

"Reactron? That's kind of a stupid name. Who named him that?"

"A certain Jimmy Olsen," Oliver said from where he sat beside Hank with a smirk

"Oh." Kara seemed to want to suddenly retract her statement, making Alex and Oliver share an amused look "So, who is this guy really?"

"Unknown. He remains at large after a string of very public fights with your cousin." Henshaw said "Neither of them ever came out on top."

"No one knows why he's so obsessed with killing Kal-El" Oliver added

"So, what's the plan?" Kara asked, turning toward Alex and Oliver's boss "How do we stop him?"

"We don't" the man answered flatly, sharing a look with Alex 

"So, what are you saying? We just sit back and do nothing?"

"Reactron, whoever he is, is human. Which means this case falls outside the DEO'S jurisdiction."

"This man flies and shoots nuclear fireballs! How is that not extra-normal?" Kara exclaimed

"He's using advanced biomedical tech." Alex explained "Man-made tech."

"I can't risk exposing this organization everytime some human criminal shows up at National City. They have their own police department and even a vigilante to take care of that" he said, standing from his chair 

"And I just can't let this man run wild."

"Call your cousin. Superman fights for truth, justice and the American way. Last time I checked, National City was in America." Henshaw closed the subject

"Miss Grant?" Kara called from the entrance of her day-time job's boss, making her look down from the ceiling. Once she seemed to have Cat's attention, she walked further toward the desk "I'm just... I'm putting the finishing touches on that party, and I need your okay on..."

"Shh, shh, shh." Cat literally shushed her down "Do your hear that?"

Kara looked up toward where Cat had been looking at when she had entered and used her hearing, and then super-hearing to try to find what her boss could be talking about, finding nothing that the CEO should have been able to hear

"Uh, no."

"You don't hear that loud, high pitched incessant humming coming from the vents that is making it impossible for me to thing straight, let alone string together one coherent sentence?" Cat asked again

"I have pretty good ears, and I don't hear anything." confirmed Kara... again

"Well, get maintenance to look into it because it's driving me crazy" Cat ordered

"Sure thing, I'll get them right on it." Kara nodded "I just need you to approve the appetizers for tommorrow.

"Kerah, I am very proud of the fact that in my many years of being a CEO I have never thrown a phone at an assistant" Cat said as she frenetically cleaned off a pair of glasses, even thought she already had one on "I would  very much like to keep that record intact."

Getting the hint, Kara nodded and turned around "I'll take care of it."

"She's pretty tense working on that article, huh?" James asked as he walked toward Kara

"Yeah." she sighed, putting her notepad on her desk "You could say that."

"She always get like this when she's writing?"

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