Pilot - Second Part

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"The passengers of flight 237 appear to have a guardian angel." the presenter was saying as Kara bit in a slice of pizza, her hairs still wet from the much-needed shower she had just taken

"When what many reports to be a female flying form rescued them from certain death." he added, making Kara squeal "Oh my god!"

"Leyna Nguyen is live at the scene"

"Thank you, Rick. Guardian angel or human wrecking ball?" the female reporter first said 

"What?" asked Kara in disbelief

"There is destruction all over Otto Binder Bridge. And one..."

"Well, you try saving a plane for the first time" Kara got up to her feet, not listening to what the reporter was saying anymore "See if you don't make a mess"

Suddenly, the TV's sound was cut, a sigh escaping Alex's lips as she said "Oh, my god."

Kara turned toward her sister, who still looked shocked, and silently squealed "I know!"

She almost jumped to Alex, giving her a literally bone cracking hug 

"Ow" exclaimed Alex

"Oh, sorry. That was... That was too hard." Kara quickly apologized as Alex put the remote  on the table "I'm just... I'm so excited. I still can't believe I did it."

"Yeah. Neither can I. Are you okay?"

"Me? Am I okay?" Kara asked, surprised that Alex was the first one to ask the question "Are you okay? And Oliver? Where is he? Is he alright?"

"Yes, thank you. Oliver hit his head on the seat in front of him and had to stay at the hospital for the night"

"So he's alright? Good. Were you scared?" Kara said, starting rambling "I mean, I was scared too, but you... You had to be terrified. Because you had no idea I was coming to save you."

"I need a drink." declared Alex, unable to know herself if she was still too shocked by what had happened or just too much worried out of her mind about what would happen now that Kara had revealed herself to the world

"Right! Yeah, we need to celebrate." Kara said, passing her sister by to in the kitchen "It has been so long. I almost forgot how to fly." she exclaimed, taking a bottle of wine

As she was pouring her sister a glass, she continued rambling "Well, not so much 'how', but more, more how it feels, like... Scared, but a good scared."

Alex took the glass, taking a long sip, and barely following Kara's words "Like, like that moment right before you kiss someone for the first time. And now... Now it's like...I'm not sure what comes next."

"Or maybe I am sure and I'm just afraid of what it means. And if it means what I think it means-"

"What were you thinking?" Alex suddenly cut her, making Kara confused. The older sister scoffed as she walked toward the TV, putting the glass down on a table as she passed it by

"You exposed yourself. To the world. You're out there now, Kara. Everyone will know about you and you can't take that back."

"I don't want to." Kara replied, not sure how to feel about her sister's reaction, walking toward the TV "This is what I was talking about, Alex. I've always felt the need to help people, and tonight I finally got that chance."

"I... I didn't travel 2000 light-years just to be an assistant."

"What if people figure out who you are? What you are?" Alex insisted, looking at the image of Kara taken through the plane's window that the TV was displaying "It's just... It' s not safe for you to do anything like that. Ever again."

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