Fight or flight - First Part

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"It's you," said Cat as she still looked in awe at the blond superhero floating in front of her car. However, she suddenly seemed to regain her composure and walked around her car's door "Oh, no. I'm sorry. I meant to say, who are you?"

"According to you, I'm Supergirl."

"Trademark pending" Cat answered simply

"You have questions." Kara said, taking a deep breath "I'm ready to answer them."

"Huh." was all Cat said, reaching in her pocket for her phone "Do you mind if I record this?"

"I suppose not"

"Okay. Supergirl." Cat smiled, activating her phone's recorder "Let's start with the generals. Where are you from?"

"I traveled to Earth from my home planet..."

"Krypton?" guessed Cat

"Yes. When it was destroyed. My parents sent me here where they thought I'd be safe."

Cat sighed at that "I feel like I've heard this story before."

"This is my story" Kara said, flying around when she felt that Cat was getting too close

"So, I can assume that all of your powers are the same as the Man of Steel's? The flying, the super strength, the freezy breath thing?"

"I'm still working on that last one."

"Oh, so you're not up to his level yet?"

Irritated by Cat's tone, Kara shot a beam of heat vision beside Cat, making the woman jump slightly "I wouldn't say that."

"So why are we just hearing from you now?"

Kara flew over Cat, landing with her back to her "I'm not sure I understand the question."

"Well, if you've been on Earth for years, why wait this long to start giving back?" Cat asked as she walked toward Kara "Where were you during the earthquake two years ago? Or the wildfires last September that killed eight people?"

"This is not a job I take lightly." Kara answered "I had to be ready"

"Any plans to start a family?"

"Nobody ever asks my cousin these questions." Kara snapped, turning toward Cat, only to realise her mistake.

Cat, however, seemed quite please with this new information "Superman is your cousin?" she asked rhetorically 

"This interview is over" Kara declared, flying off

"Well, what do you do all day when you're not flying around town?" Cat called after her "Do you have a day job?"

The next morning, Kara was sat at a foor place table at Nunnnan's, scrolling on her phone as ate the last part of her sticky bun.

"Mmm. Thank you" she said when a waitress came to take her empty plate, replacing it with one with yet another bun

"How can you eat sticky buns for breakfast every day and still stay so thin?" the woman asked

"I'm an alien" Kara answered with hesitation, the waitress laughing as she walked away

However, the kryptonian was left alone, as Alex arrived at that moment, clearly uncomfortable about Kara saying at loud that she was an alien

"Hi" Kara greeted her

"Hey." Alex said, taking a seat "Are you okay? I called you like a bunch of times last night. Where were you?"

"In my apartment. Alone. Because my roommate apparently spent the night out. I wonder where he could have gone huh?" Kara diverted the subject easily, sending a knowing look to her sister.

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