Pilot - First Part

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In the busy street of National City, a man suddenly grunted when he bumped with a woman that was distracted by her phone.

"Sorry, sorry" Kara said, checking quickly if he was okay before she walked on, arriving late not being an option for her.

She continued to navigate her way through the crowd, all the while readjusting her purse and dialing a number on her phone, her left hand occupied with a tray from Nunnnan's while its arm held her documents.

"I need two tickets in the orchestra section for Wicked"
she said as she crossed a street "No, not for Miss Grant. Her mother wants to see it. Yes, again. Sure, I'll hold"

As she was approaching the building she worked in, she was already on yet another phone call "Charlie? I'm calling about the Correspondents Dinner, I need to make sure Miss Grant doesn't end up next to Bill O'Reilly again.


Kara didn't know to be relieved or not to be on the top floor when the elevator opened, two men exiting it her. She hurried on to the office section that opened right in front of her.

One of her friends, Winn, approached her with a exited smile on his face "Did you see this?" he asked, a tablet in his hand as he walked along with her toward her desk "There was an armored car robbery last night. There were no witness except for this homeless guy who swears the perp had horns."

"Thanks." Kara said as she took a cardboard tube from the guy in charge of the mail of this floor

"Like, on his head!" he insisted, making Kara chuckled "I'm telling you, they're out there. Aliens!"

"Winn, there's no such things as aliens" she said, trying to prevent him from saying it too loud, his reputation as a dork and geek already bad enough

He chuckled "Well, you might feel differently if you read this website."

"You write that website."

"I-I-I contribute..." he stuttered as they arrived by her desk, just outside their boss's office "Hey, um, I was wondering if maybe you want to... I don't know, go see, go see a movie tonight."

"I-I can't. I'm sorry." she said, inhaling deeply "I have a date."

"Date, really?" said Winn, trying not to look too disappointed.

"Mmm" she smiled

"That's great... Fun. Dating is fun. Who is that with?"

"It's an online date." she explained, placing her stuff around her desk "Says we are 82% compatible, so... Should be good"

"You-You know that you can't quantify emotions based on an algorithm?"

"Winn, you're an  IT, isn't your whole life based on algorithms?"

"Yes, so if there was an algorithm for love I think that I would know about it. It's just like you're going to know when it hits you, Kara. It'll be all 'WAh-pow'."

Kara smiled at that when she suddenly heard the elevator by her deal come to the floor, also hearing her boss', Cat Grant, voice saying "Ugh, this elevator is human petri-dish. It's like standing up in coach"

"She's here" Kara warned Winn, both of them standing up to welcome her

"How do you do that?" Winn asked just before the elevator opened as his friend took the latte from the tray

"Good morning, Miss Grant." Kara said in the neutral tone that she had learned would earn her the less comments

As per usual. Cat didn't bother answering to Kara "The only reason I bought this building was because it had a private elevator."

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