Stronger Together - Third Part

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"What's the news on the Hellgrammite?" Alex asked once she entered the DEO command's hub

"We've confirmed six similar attacks on chemical plants across the country over the past year," Henshaw said, turning back from the main screens to walk toward her "He's been making his way to National City with enough chemical components to build a weapon of mass destruction."

"I'm not so sure about that, sir," an agent said as he arrived "The tests we ran on his blood indicate his alien DNA isn't carbon-based like humans. It has a chlorine foundation."

"Each of those facilities stored confiscated DDT, which is a chlorine pesticide," Alex remembered 

"Well, if he's not building a weapon, what does he need DDT for?" Hank wondered

"He's eating it." Alex suddenly realized

"Right" agreed the agent "Given his home planet's atmospheric conditions, DDT would be the closest thing on Earth he could find to food."

"Since DDT was banned, the government has been destroying remaining stockpiles. His food source is shrinking" summarized Alex

"Well, if this thing is hungry, let's buy him some diner," said Hank

"Miss Grant, you wanted to see me?" asked James as he found his boss

"James, I was wondering how the hunt for the interview with Supergirl is going." Kat asked as she walked toward her office, not once lifting her eyes from her phone 

"Oh, she's doing a little better, so I wasn't really sure if you were still interested in controlling the story."

"Oh, I want a sit down with her before the Planet. Maybe I was beating around the bush too much earlier." she asked as they entered her office

"No, you were pretty clear." said James 

"The 'S' is not some 'Who wore it best' fashion faux pas. It's a team logo." she said, completely unaware that Kara could here everything she was saying from her desk "Maybe Supergirl is his sister, maybe it's his girlfriend, but there's definitely a connection. And because you are famously 'his pal', I have to wonder why you haven't exploited that relationship to get me what I want."

James hesitated for a second, choosing his words carefully "I have a policy against using my friends for business reasons. I mean, I did reach out, but I don't want to put too much pressure on him."

"And I have a policy against losing. I hope that your policy didn't make you think that you could slack off on those research?"

"I did found something on the vigilante" said James, taking out a USB key 

"Did you now?" Cat said, holding out her hand

"Yes. I was able to found a lot of pictures of him of the web" he said, giving her the key "But I also reached out to business owners near the place where he was seen and they agreed to give me some of their video footage."

Cat looked at him dubiously but still walked around her desk and inserted the device in her computer. She looked up the file named 'Videos' and was amazed by the number of files named by locations and places "It seems that our vigilante is quite active. Which one do you think I should look up first?"

"I would say the one at the port on the 3rd of July. It has the best definition and shows him doing a number on quite a few thugs."

"And the best picture for an article?" she asked, opening up the files

"One from yesterday, at the port. One of the port workers was able to take a clean shot at him as he was firing arrows at the ship."

"Good. I will look it up. Thank you James" she seemingly dismissed him

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