Fight or flight - Third Part

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When Kara finally came to, she was startled that Alex's face was the first thing that she saw.

''Kara'' said the older Danvers sister as she turned to check on the younger one. She however stopped her movement to try and prevent the alien from standing up. ''Kara! Hey, easy, easy.''

''How long was I out?'' she asked with a panting breath noticing James as he sat down on the second couch

''Just a few hours'' Alex answered

''I was fighting Krull'' Kara said as she tried to remember what had happened before she had blacked out ''My cousin, where is he?''

''He had to go'' James said ''Volcanic eruption in the south Pacific''

''Reactron is a great danger to everyone in this city'' Maxwell Lord's familiar voice said, grasping Kara's attention, making her turn toward the TV monitor ''Luckily I wasn't armed. In fact, I'm lucky to be alive. I own it all to the great heroes who rescued me. Superman... and this city very own vigilante. He asked me to convey the name that he has chosen for himself... I was saved by the Green Arrow.''

Kara couldn't help but let her mouth fall at Lord's clear overlook of what she had done to try to save him. Alex sigh silently beside her, taking the remote to shut the TV down

''I don't understand... How did they know I was fighting Krull.'' Kara asked aloud, only to catch the look that Alex sent toward James. The way that her friend avoided her eyes only confirmed what she knew ''You called him''

''Kara, he gave me this a long time ago.'' he said, opening his watch ''So that if I ever got in trouble, I had a way to contact him''

''But you... weren't in trouble.'' Kara shot back ''When did you even call him, the second I left?''

''Kara, I made a promise to your cousin. If anything ever happened to you I-''

''My cousin didn't have a get-out-of-jail-free card when he first started and neither should I.'' Kara countered ''And the vigilante? The so-called Green Arrow? How did you even contact him? When did you get his number?''

''He gave it to me a couple of days ago''

''So not only don't you believe that I can't take my cousin's enemies, you think that an arrow shooting guy in a hood stand a better chance than I do?''

''No, of course, I... I wouldn't even be here if I didn't believe in you'' James said

Kara look's however, explained by itself how much she believed what he had just said ''Then maybe you shouldn't be here at all''

James was taken aback by her words wondering for a few seconds if she was joking. When her stern eyes told him that she wasn't, he shook his head and stood up, walking toward the door. 

As he was about to reach for the handle, however, he turned around ''You know Kara, I'm sorry that you're mad at me. But I'm not sorry you're still alive''

He turned to open the door but it did on its own. Or so it seems, as Oliver walked in a second later, surprised to see James. A quick look at the Danvers sisters made him understand what the situation was probably like and he silently took a step aside, clearing the way for James. Getting the reinforced hint, the man walked out.

Kara let out a sigh of both relief and disappointment as soon Oliver closed the door. 

"He was just trying to protect you," Alex said as her sister stood up

"I know, I know, it's just..." the Kryptonian said shaking her arm in the air as she normally did when she didn't know what to say

"Just what?" Oliver asked quietly, putting his coat on the counter along with a suitcase

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