Stronger together - Second Part

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The next morning, Cat couldn't help but notice the strange way that her assistant was walking as she brought her her meal. "Why are you walking like that?" she asked, as Kara took the layout Cat had placed on the couch beside her

"I took your advice to get my head out of the clouds, so I took a kickboxing class. I'm a little sore." Kara said before taking a look at the article " 'Supergirl: Failure to launch' " she read aloud

"I don't need you to read it to me. I wrote it. Get it to copy for the noon posting." Cat said without looking up from what she was doing

"I don't get it. Why do you keep criticizing Supergirl for trying to save the city?" Kara asked, keeping her voice as calm as she could "When Superman started..."

"He, he, he. Him, him, him" Cat said snapped calmly as she put her work aside and stood up "I am so sick of hearing about the Man of Steel. Every woman worth her salt knows that we have to work twice as hard as a man to be thought of as half as good."

"Well, she did rescue that plane" Kara pointed out

"Yes, which she ditched bobbing in a bay." Cat said as she placed her tray on her desk "Engineers are working around the clock trying to remove it."

"She saved that tanker from exploding" Kara said

"And a simple man with a bow and arrows is the only reason why that rescue didn't cause an oil slick, which they would still be trying to clean up as we're speaking" Cat said as she took came back from one of her tables with chopsticks "Now, I don't like the fishes, but it does reassure me to know that they're still under there swimming about."

"Well, if Supergirl were here, what would you suggest she do?" Kara asked as subtly as she could 

"Calm the hell down." Cat said while she checked her chopsticks over "She's taking on way too much, way too fast. As we have seen, the green archer could have handle that fire with out her. Hell, even the NCFD could have done it."

"She's trying to save the day" Kara defended her alter-ego

"By screwing everything up?" Cat asked incredulously "No, this inexperienced idiot has barely had a run in her tights, and yet there she is at the epicenter of danger. What's next? 'I think I'll catch the meteor that's headed straight for the White House'? Oh! Whoopsy."

Kara frowned at that, a little hurt that Cat thought she would screw something like that too

"No, no, no. There is a learning curve. You don't just walk through the front door and suddenly own the company." Cat said as she sat down"I started out as Perry White's assistant. I worked my ass off until one day I finally had the chance to write an article for the gossip column. Every step of the way, I had to fight, to work hard, to get better, to come out ahead. No, catching planes and boats on fire,hmm... How about we start small and work our way up? Supergirl should take a page out of your book, Kara."

Kara scoffed at the irony of what Cat had just said but nodded and started walked out. She walked to Winn's desk and quickly said to him "Meet me in the alley in five minutes."

Her friend looked at her, curious, but started shutting down his work as he said "Thank God you didn't say the roof"

A couple of minutes later, Winn walked out of the delivery docks of Catco and was surprised to see the artistic director there, who seemed just as surprised to see him when he turned around

"Hey, what's up?" James asked, trying to play it cool

"Nothing, nothing." Winn sputtered as James cleared his throat "I... I like to come out here to smoke. Which I like to do in private."

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