How does she do it - Third Part

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"See him?" Oliver whispered to Kura as they followed a wide-eyed Carter

Kara looked around and slightly angled down her glasses to use her Haag vision. She only had to go through two wagons before finding him, walking toward the locomotive "I've found him, him moving toward the head of the train. And Land."

"And there no way for you to change... stay with Carter."


"Don't worry Kara" he said, as he moved out the door.

"Get the team inside to help with evac" Henshaw ordered Alex as he and his team arrived at the Land terminal of the airport

"All right, I'll meet you at the bomb" his second-in-­command agreed

"Where Supergirl?" James asked, having arrived at the same time

"She's not coming." the director answered briskly

"Lord!" Oliver yelled as he entered the wagon the CEO was in, Knox having seemingly passed right by him "Where's Knox?"

"I'm scary, who are you?"

"I'm Agent Danvers' partner," he said, holding out his badge

"You feds just can't respect anything, can you?"

"Do you really want to talk about this now? Knox was identified walking toward this wagon. He passed right by you"

"That's impossible. I've would have noticed him"

"You got to stop this train so that we can get him out"

"I can't," Max said "It's automated"

"Damn it. Then get everyone, every staff and passenger to the back of the train. I'll find him and neutralise him"

"I could-"

"For once, please just do as you're told." Oliver cut him off.

The CEO narrowed his eyes for a second at the Federal agent. Just as Oliver was expecting a refusal, Max sighed and turned to want the people of the wagon, "Let's go."

The DEO's third-in-command didn't wait for them to be gone, walking out toward what he know was the find of the three wagons he would have to cross to reach the locomotive. When he saw the dozen or so men waiting for him with knives and guns, dressed in the cheapest good-looking suits one could buy, Oliver sighed "Knox is supposed to be brock, so I'll just guess you're all just other idiots who don't like the Lord Dickhead who owns this train..."

"Clear the room" Henshaw ordered us he and Alex entered the storage where the bomb was "Let's go. Come on!"

"The bomb techs aren't here yet." Alex sighed as she took out a small device. When she place d it over the bomb, she shook her head when nothing was picked up by it "Signal is jammed. Il can't see inside it. There's no way to disarm it"

The director took a few seconds to take in the situation before saying "Get yourself clear"

"Me? What are you going to do?"

"I gave you an order."

Upon realizing what he was implying, Alex rapidly shook her head "Hank, no"

"I said... go!"

Alex hesitated for a few seconds, trying to come up with something, anything, that could be more useful than this plan. Unfortunatly, nothing came to mind, and she ended up complying in the end. No matter how relucktingly

Knox had barely arrived to the locomotive and jammed the doors locked when an a sword was stabbed through it, it's acidic blade cutting slowly through the metal.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2022 ⏰

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