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My name is Luna. I live somewhere in Atlanta. It's hard to keep track nowadays. I'm 13 years old. I think.

About a year and a half ago, the world went to shit. This weird disease started; nobody knows what caused it, and there's no cure. When people die, they come back as these... things. The creatures have disgusting, decayed faces, and they eat people. Their bites and scratches are lethal, and after you die, you come back as one of them.

When everything started, I was hanging out with my brother, Alex, and my best friend, Chloe. We were always kind of like a trio in a way. Even though Alex was a year older than me and Chloe, we all got on really well.


We were sat in my living room watching tv, when a random broadcast started. "Everybody stay inside and lock your doors. The virus has begun to spread around the world, and millions of people are infected. Everybody stay calm. May God be with you all." The man on the tv looked terrified. So did we.

Alex suddenly shot up and ran up the stairs. Me and Chloe exchanged confused looks and then followed him.

"Alex?" I called. We walked into the bedroom that Alex and I shared to see him packing up all of our things.

"What are you doing?" Chloe said. "The man on tv said to stay inside."

He sighed and looked up at us. "We can't stay here. We're gonna run out of food and water eventually."

"So where will we stay?" I asked.

"I don't know, we'll just have to find somewhere." He replied, shoving clothes into his black backpack.

Our mom and dad were both at work. They probably had no idea what was going on. I hoped that we would find them, and that they would be okay.

*end of flashback*

After we left home, we went from place to place, collecting as much food and water as we could possibly carry in our backpacks.

That was until about 2 months ago, when we found an abandoned prison. It was overrun with biters, but we cleared it out all by ourselves. There were five survivors inside who were prisoners before this, but we dealt with them.

Now its just us three. In a giant prison. It feels kinda lonely sometimes but at least we still have each other. That's what I'm grateful for.

A/N: AAAAAAAA i finally started this fanfic!! if you read my carl imagine book (self promo lol) you'll know that i've been working on a full carl story for a few weeks and here is the first chapter!

also chloe is based off of my irl best friend whos also called chloe!

other than that i hope you enjoy the story!! <3

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