6 ; michonne

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Luna's POV

The past few days have been normal. As normal as they can possibly be. We still aren't seeing much of Rick, but occasionally he checks on Carl and the baby.

Me, Chloe, Alex, Carl and Rick were outside near the fences when we spotted a few walkers outside. The strange part is that there was a woman standing by the walkers, holding a red shopping basket with what appeared to be baby formula inside.

We let the woman inside. Her leg was injured so she sat on the floor as the rest of us asked her questions. She told us that her name was Michonne.

"Listen, we aren't going to hurt you," Rick said, "We just want to know what you're doing here, and why you were carrying formula."

"The supplies were dropped by a young asian boy and a pretty girl," Michonne said. We new immediately that she was talking about Glenn and Maggie. They had gone on a run earlier that day.

"They were taken," She continued. "They might be at a place called Woodbury." She started telling us about Woodbury. It had around 75 survivors living there, and it was run by a man who called himself 'The Governor'.

Michonne decided to sneak into this place with Daryl, Rick and Alex to see what it was all about while the rest of us stayed back at the prison.

As we were putting all the things they needed into the car, Rick pulled Carl aside and started talking to him. I couldn't hear what they were talking about but it seemed important.

Before we knew it, Michonne, Alex, Daryl and Rick had gone and the rest of us stayed at the prison, waiting for them to come back.

A/N: sorry that this is so short and that i havent posted in a while, i've been busy with school n stuff so yeah :D

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