10 ; wounds

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Alex's POV

I carried my sister's lifeless body and ran into the cell, everyone following behind me. Blood ran from her arm, copying the tears running down my face. No, no, this can't be happening. I thought. She can't die. Please.

I led her down on the bed and Hershel ordered for all of us to leave the cell. I was still in shock from the whole situation. I hope that whoever shot her would die slowly and painfully. They deserve it.

I sat in the cell block, waiting for any further news on how she was. I refused to sleep. Not until I knew she was okay.

*a few hours later*

Hershel walked out of the cell. "She's okay." He said. I sighed in relief. "She's asleep at the moment, but you can go in if you like."

I got up and stood by the doorway. She led there with a bandage on her left arm. I grabbed a chair and sat down next to her. I placed my hand in hers, despite the fact that she didn't know I was there.

"I love you, Luna." I whispered. My eyes filled with tears. She's all I live for anymore. I don't know if I could live without her. I really do love her.

After a few minutes of sitting in the cell in silence, I felt something hold onto my hand tightly. I looked down at Luna and she was awake. She smiled at me. I smiled back through my tears.

Carl's POV

"Luna's awake." Alex came out of the cell. "If anyone wants to talk to her, then go ahead." I stood up and walked up there. Luna's my best friend. Of course I want to see her.

I walked into the cell to see her sat on the bed, staring at the bandage on her arm.

"This thing is annoying." She laughed. "But I'll have to get used to it. Right?" She looked up at me and we made eye contact for a few seconds before I looked away, my cheeks burning with embarrassment.

I sat down on the chair next to the bed. "How are you feeling? Does it hurt?" I asked. I was worried. I care about Luna a lot and I didn't want her to be in pain.

"It hurts a little," Luna said, looking at the bandage once again.

"Whoever did that to you," I started. "I'll kill them. If they aren't already dead." Luna looked up at me. Even though her eyes were dark, they still sparkled in the faint light coming through the door.

"I'm never gonna let anyone hurt you again."



A/N: omg iconic line!!!!!!!!!!! so poggers!!!!!!!!!!!! anyways i like this chapter a lot so vote pleas yeah

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