15 ; sleepover

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Luna's POV

I woke up this morning feeling excited. For the first time in years.

For the past week, Chloe and I have been planning on having a sleepover in the guard tower. We asked Rick and he said he was completely fine with it. We've been collecting blankets and pillows and other stuff so it can be the best sleepover ever.

I practically jumped out of bed and got my clothes ready so I could take a shower. Because of the limited water supply, we can only take showers once a week. Unfortunately.

I carried my clothes down to the showers just to hear someone already in the shower. I couldn't make out who it was. I just had to wait and see who came out from behind the curtain.

After a few minutes of waiting, the water finally stopped running and soon after someone came out from inside the shower stall.

It was Carl. Once he saw me, he stood there awkwardly as we tried to avoid eye contact but failed. His usually soft and fluffy hair was damp, and fell into his sapphire eyes. He was so gorgeous but so unaware of it.

"Uh-" Carl ended the silence. "What are you- why are you just sat there?" He asked hesitantly.

"I was waiting to take a shower," I replied. "You take a while in there." I chuckled lightly as I stood up from the bench I was sat on.

"Well, you never know which shower's gonna be your last." He said as the raspiness in his deep, southern voice gave me butterflies. I found myself staring into his eyes again. He stared back into mine until I mentally slapped myself and turned away.

"Okay," Carl said, "I'll be leaving now. See you later!" He left the shower room and I took a deep breath, trying to process what had happened, before getting into the shower and finally washing all of the dirt off of my body. I look forward to this every week. Two years ago, this would have been a normal occurrence. Now it's a luxury.


It was now 6pm. Everyone had finished their jobs for the day, and Chloe and I were getting ready for our sleepover.

As I placed my blanket and pillow on the floor of the guard tower, I was reminded of the times when I had sleepovers with my friends before the world ended. We would stay up all night, watching movies, doing each other's makeup and gossiping. The good times.

"So," Chloe said, her red hair slightly messy from all the work we've done today. "What should we do first?"

"I'm not sure. There isn't much to do anyways." It wasn't like we had any technology to entertain us, so we had to do everything ourselves.

"Do you remember the time that those girls pushed you over in the 4th grade?" Chloe brought up out of nowhere.

"All because I was talking to you?" I finished the story for Chloe, and she nodded in response. What happened was that some of Chloe's old friends wanted to keep her to themselves. They were popular, and mean. I was the opposite. They thought that because I was different, Chloe wasn't allowed to talk to me, go near me, or even look at me. And because we were getting closer as friends, those girls got really angry and pushed me over, right into the mud. Chloe helped me get to the nurses office and clean me up. She stopped being friends with them after that, and she started hanging out with me instead, because I was the only person who truly cared about her.

"Those girls are probably dead now." Chloe said. "Remember when I asked Liam to the 5th grade dance and he rejected me?"

Chloe was always higher up the social ladder. She had more friends and got on with more people. Liam was a popular boy. He was a dick but all of the girls seemed to love him. I hated him, of course.

"Oh my god, yeah." I said, shaking my head, feeling embarrassed for my best friend. "He was a dick, I don't even get why you liked him."

"We were 10, Luna."

"So?! You deserve so much better than that!" We both laughed. It was like the old times again. The sun was setting right before our eyes. I admired the purple sky as Chloe brought up a question that I've never been asked before.

"Have you ever been in love?"

My heart raced; my palms began sweating; the hairs on the back of my neck stood up. I didn't know how to answer the question. Sure, I liked Carl but I didn't want to admit it. And, I didn't know if it was truly love. I'd have to wait and see.

"I- I don't- I don't know." I stuttered quietly.

"What do you mean 'you don't know'?" Chloe laughed. I chuckled at her immature behaviour. "Let me guess, you like Carl but you don't know if you actually like him or whether you just think he's cute and like the idea of dating someone." Is she a fucking mind reader?

I turned my head to her in shock. "What the fuck?" I asked her. She laughed loudly.

"I'm good at observing people. Especially you." She grinned. "Plus you aren't very good at hiding it."

"Oh my god." I felt my face heat up and put my head in my hands.

"Don't worry. I won't tell him. I promise." She had a serious look on her face.


"Pinky promise." She held out her pinky finger, and I wrapped mine around her's, securing our promise.

A/N: HEYYYYY FUCKERSSSS! i havent posted anything in so long omg. ive had the first half of this in my drafts for so long and ive finally brought myself to write the full thing!

anyway this next part is for my stranger things fans so pls read: should i start a mike wheeler/finn wolfhard imagines book? i love st so i thought it would be fun and i want some opinions on the idea!

have a nice day - abbie <3

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