9 ; the attack

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Luna's POV

It was a bright afternoon; not one cloud in the sky. Carl, Beth, Chloe, Alex and I sat outside and talked about life before everything happened. Suddenly, a gunshot past us. It was the Governor.

Gunshots continued to be fired and we all hid behind various objects to stop us from being hit. We fought back and I managed to shoot one of the Governor's men in the leg, causing him to fall to the ground.

Gunshots echoed and blasted in our ears for what felt like an eternity. But everything came to a pause. I peaked my head around the corner of the wall we hid behind and managed to get a good look of this Governor guy. He had short, dark hair and had an eye patch over his left eye. He held a shot gun in one of his hands. From what I've heard, he seems like a dick.

"Beth!" Maggie shouted, running out of the prison with two guns in her hands. She handed one to her sister and the gunshots started again.

We continued to fight back until I realised I was out of ammo. "Fuck." I whispered. What was I supposed to do now?

Suddenly, a red and white truck drove up towards the gates at full speed, crashing down the fences. The truck stopped in the middle of the field and opened to reveal a ton of walkers. A man came out of the drivers seat wearing riot gear. The Governor stood there, watching everything happen, with a smug smirk on his face. If I ever get the chance to kill him, I will.

That's when it happened. One of the Governor's men shot a bullet, me being the target. It went straight through my arm. I held the wound tightly and fell to the ground, struggling to stay conscious.

"Luna!" I heard Alex shout. It was muffled and a loud ringing played in the background, slowly getting louder with every second. I could see Alex, Chloe and Carl standing over me, trying to get me to stay awake. I tried and tried to force my eyes to open.

But everything went black.

A/N: OMG CLIFFHANGER sorry ik its cliche for characters to get shot but whatever i wanted to write about it and this is my book not yours so suck it up ig /lh

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