4 ; goodnight, love

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It's been 5 days since the Rick's group arrived at the prison, but it feels like we've known them forever. Hershel is doing okay, but he has to walk on crutches now so we have to help him around a lot. As for me, I've grown a lot closer to Carl these past few days. He's really nice, unlike some other boys I've met that are his age which is a huge relief. Everyone in their group is super welcoming which is amazing.

I was sat with Chloe in her cell when we heard sirens coming from outside. The loud noise pierced our ears and we ran outside to see the rest of the group out there, panicking.

"What's that noise?" Rick yelled at us, assuming that we would know since we've been here the longest.

"We don't know!!" Chloe yelled back. I was stood right next to her and her voice was still muffled. The noise attracted the walkers, who growled and pushed against the fence, desperate for our flesh.

A few walkers managed to break through and ended up inside with us. "Come on we need to go!" Maggie yelled in her southern accent, with Lori and Carl standing with her. Chloe and Alex were with the rest of the group, trying to figure out how we would get the sirens to stop. I had no time to get them, so I went with Maggie, as it seemed like the safest option.

We went through a door that led to a hallway. We ran down the corridor which seemed to go on forever until Lori ran out of breath and leaned against the wall. She looked as if she was trying not to collapse.

"What's wrong?" Maggie asked, sounding worried.

Lori took a deep breath before turning to us, "I think the baby's coming."


Carl opened the door to the nearest room and checked inside for walkers. He nodded at us, confirming that it was safe. We all walked inside, and Maggie helped Lori get down a few steps.

"Lori," Maggie said, as Lori turned to her while struggling to breathe. "You're gonna need to give birth to this baby now."

Lori led down on the floor and Maggie helped take her pants off. The room's atmosphere suddenly became awkward and me and Carl avoided eye contact, but you can't give birth with your pants on, right?

"Alright, I need you to push," Maggie said before Lori pushed and screamed in pain. Maggie looked down at her hands and they were covered in blood. "Something's wrong."

"Do you see my old c-section scar?" Lori mumbled. Maggie looked up at her in shock. Lori wanted us to cut her open. At this point she had accepted that she wasn't going to survive. I hadn't known her for long, but she was a kind woman. She cared about her family and would do anything to protect them. I hated having to see her go through this pain.

Carl sat down next to his mother, while tears formed in his eyes and eventually ran down his face. He held Lori's hand as she began speaking to him.

"Carl," She started, "I don't want you to be sad, okay, this is what I want, this is right. You take care of your daddy for me, alright? And your little brother or sister, you take care of them." She reassured him. I watched as a small tear escaped from my eye. I wiped it away.

"You don't have to do this-" Carl's voice broke as he tried to speak through his sadness.

"You're gonna be fine." Lori smiled at him. "You are gonna beat the world, I know you will. You are smart, and you are strong and you are so brave. And I love you."

"I love you too." Carl said as they both sniffled. Lori looked him in the eye and said, "You gotta do what's right, baby. You promise me you'll always do whats right. If it feels wrong, don't do it, if it feels easy don't do it. Don't let the world spoil you." She wiped away Carl's tears. "My sweet boy, I love you." She said before pulling him into a tight hug. Maggie began to break down crying, and so did I, although I tried my best to hide it.

They pulled away from their hug as Lori got ready to deliver the baby. "Maggie, please, you're gonna have to do this, you have to do it." I stood behind Maggie, not knowing what to say. I cried silently. I felt so bad for Rick, his wife was slowly dying and he had no idea.

Lori tried her best to breathe steadily, "Alright, alright, it's alright." She said under her breath, as Carl passed the knife from his pocket to Maggie.

Lori took a deep breath before saying a quiet, "Goodnight, love."

"I'm sorry," Maggie cried before slicing Lori's stomach open. Lori screamed in pain and tears streamed down mine and Carl's faces. "Stop!" Carl shouted, "You're killing her!" Lori stopped screaming and the room became silent as Maggie searched for the baby inside Lori's now lifeless body.

Carl stared at his mother and eventually Maggie pulled out the baby, who was covered in blood. Maggie checked it for a heartbeat, and it started crying. We all sighed in relief, knowing that the child was alive.

Carl took off his jacket and gave it to Maggie. She wrapped it around the baby as if it were a blanket. Maggie stood up holding the baby in her blood-stained arms, "We have to go."

"W-we can't just leave her here," Carls voice shook as he spoke, "She'll turn."

Maggie reached for her gun. "No," Carl said, pulling the gun he had out of the holster. "She's my mom." Me and Maggie stared at him and we turned around to leave.

Maggie opened the door to the exit slightly. I couldn't see what was out there but I heard faint walker moans. Maggie shut the door closed and we began walking back to where Carl was, when we heard a gunshot. Carl appeared from the shadows and walked right past us. I gasped quietly. He's just a kid, he shouldn't have to shoot his mom to stop her from coming back to life and eating people.


Carl, Maggie and I walked outside to see the rest of the group. Chloe and Alex looked at me as I cried and covered my mouth to prevent any sobs from coming out.

"Wh-where's Lori?" Rick asked, looking at Maggie, to which she simply just shook her head and sobbed. Rick looked at Carl, who looked down at the floor. He suddenly broke down crying and started to yell "No!" over and over. He fell onto the floor and rolled around, frustrated. Suddenly, he grabbed an axe from the floor and burst through the door to the hallway, leaving everyone else outside.

A/N: this chapter is so fucking sad but i'm so proud of myself. literally how tf did i write something with over 1000 words?? i've never done that before anyway pls vote and have a nice day/night :)

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