12 ; family

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Luna's POV

For the past few days, the group has been preparing for war. Of course I can't help with anything because of my arm but I really wish I could fight. I would do anything for the group.

We had a plan. Maggie, Rick, Glenn, Carol and Daryl would hide in the prison while the Governor and his team attacked, whilst Carl, Hershel, Beth, Alex, Chloe and I stayed in the forest with Judith. We packed up all of our things and hid in the trees.

Minutes later, tanks crashed down into the prison. Men shot at the walkers in the fields and went inside the prison. They soon realised that we weren't inside and began to leave. Then the people from our group that were inside the prison shot at them and they all jumped into their cars and drove off.

We quietly watched from the forest as everything went down. A kid from The Governor's side ran into us in the forest. He was holding a gun. We all pointed our guns at him. He handed over his gun to Carl. "Here." He said passing it to him. Carl continued holding up his gun. He shot the boy. We all stood there in shock.

We walked back to the prison. Beth handed Judith to Rick. We had our home back.


Rick, Daryl and Michonne had gone back to Woodbury to try and end things for good.

I could see Daryl on his motorbike driving towards the gate. Rick's car followed behind him but the strange thing is that there was a large bus behind them both.

The bus stopped once it was inside the walls, and the door opened to reveal all of the people from Woodbury that hadn't been fighting against us. They were going to stay here now. They're apart of our family now. For however long that will be.

A/N: hell yeah badass carl shooting that kid!!! pew pew

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