16 ; missing

76 1 0

Luna's POV

The next day, I woke up in the guard tower. Chloe was nowhere to be seen. I got changed into a pair of black jeans and a dark red sweater, and I tied my dark hair into a low ponytail, letting the slightly shorter pieces fall into my face. The pearl necklace that hung from my neck sat in its usual place. I slipped on my socks and my black boots and made my way down to where everyone eats breakfast.

I pushed open the doors to see everyone sat down already. I must have woken up late. "Hi, Luna." Beth said, as she held Judith and smiled. I smiled back at her and sat down in between Chloe and Carl. Carl was sat next to Alex.

All of the adults at the table, Rick, Michonne, Daryl, Glenn, Maggie and Carol, were making a timetable, so everybody knows which job to do on different days, at different times. Us kids only had one job a day, except for on weekends, when we got to relax all day. They stuck the piece of paper on the wall once they had finished, and I went to look at what job I had to complete today.

Today was Tuesday, so at 2pm, I had to kill walkers at the fence. Easy. I had plenty of time to kill before my job began, so I went to talk to Alex. He had gone back to his cell a few minutes earlier.

"Hey Ale-" I said looking into his cell. I was cut off by him not being there. "Alex?" I walked into his cell, convinced he was playing some sort of prank on me. The floor creaked as I stepped on it. I looked under his bed. I looked in his drawers. I looked everywhere, but he was nowhere.

I stepped out of his cell. "Hey, Carl?" I called to Carl, who was still sat with Glenn, talking to him. They both looked at me. "Yeah?" Carl said.

"Have you seen Alex?" I asked. "He's not in his cell."

"I swear I saw him go in there," Glenn said quietly. He stood up and walked over to Alex's cell, looking inside. Carl followed him. "That's weird."

"I know." I said. "I thought I saw him go in too." We all exchanged confused looks.

We all split up to go and look for him. Glenn looked in the bathrooms, Carl looked in the cells and I looked outside. After searching for about an hour, we all met up in Carl's cell. No one had any luck.

Alex was missing.


Carl had talked to Rick about Alex being missing, and he immediately sent Michonne and Daryl out to look for him. I waited with Carl and Chloe up in the guard tower. I wished that they would all come back, and that Alex would be okay. My leg jumped up and down and my hands were shaking.

"He'll be okay." Carl tried to comfort me.

"We can't get our hopes up. He could be dead right now." I said. I've always been a pessimist.

"Come on, don't say that." Carl sighed. "Alex is strong. Wherever he is, whatever he's doing, he can get through it. You know he can. And so can you. Okay?" I looked at him and we stared into each others eyes for a few seconds.

"We should be out there looking for him." Chloe said, pulling us out of our daydreams. She was pacing around the room.

"Uh, no we shouldn't?" Carl argued, standing up. Chloe stopped pacing and looked up at him. She was at least 5 inches shorter than him, which made it funnier to see them constantly fighting over random shit.

They reminded me of Alex and I, when we were younger. We would fight over toys, the tv remote, who was the favourite child. We fought over pretty much anything.

I looked out of the window, blocking out their arguing and staring at the sunset. That was when I saw Michonne and Daryl walking out of the gate. I ran down the ladder, Carl and Chloe following close behind me.

Michonne was stood next to someone I didn't know; the person was wearing handcuffs. Daryl walked through the gate after Michonne.

He carried Alex into the gate, shaking his head. Alex had been shot in the head, and his blood poured through the hole in his brain. He was dead.

A/N: rip ig lol

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