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I woke up this morning feeling refreshed, which is unusual. I've always had terrible sleep, even before the end of the world. Having walkers growling as your background noise doesn't help either.

Today we decided that we would clean out some parts of the prison that we hadn't been to yet, just to check if there were any weapons or other things that we could use.

Rick, T-Dog, Hershel, Glenn and Maggie went down to a dark hallway while the rest of us stayed in the cell block. We can't risk all of our lives at once, it's too dangerous.

We waited patiently for them to come back for another twenty minutes or so. The silence was painful.

"Open the door!" We suddenly heard Rick shout. It looked like Hershel's leg had been amputated and blood was everywhere. Carl grabbed the key and unlocked the door, while everyone else was in shock from what they were seeing.

They led Hershel on a bed in one of the cells, as Carol began to apply pressure to his leg to stop the bleeding. Maggie and Beth were both behind Carol, sobbing and hugging.

The rest of us stood outside of the cell, overwhelmed by what was going on. It didn't feel real. Hershel was such a kind man and we couldn't lose him, not right now.

*a few hours later*

We were all doing our own thing while Carol, Maggie and Lori looked after Hershel. Everyone else had gone into their own cells, while Carl and I were still stood in the cell block.

Carl got up and started walking to a door that no one had been through yet.

"Where are you going?" I asked him.

"Um, no ones been in here yet," He replied. "There could be food, weapons, it could even be the infirmary. My dad said there would be one here."

He opened the door and walked inside. He was holding up his gun, ready to shoot any potential threats that came near him. After a few seconds he lowered his gun and walked further into the room.

I stood up and followed him inside. I was curious to what was in there. It was the infirmary. It was stocked with everything from bandages to medicines. We grabbed everything that we could possibly carry and went to the cell where Hershel was.

Glenn was stood outside. He smiled at us as we went into the cell.

"What's all this?" Lori asked us, looking confused.

"We found the infirmary." Carl answered. "We thought you might need some of this stuff for Hershel." Lori had a look of shock and disappointment on her face.

"You went on your own?" Lori asked. Carl nodded. Lori stared at me and then back at Carl.

"Do you see this?" She said, pointing to Hershel's unconscious body led on the bed. "This was with the whole group."

I didn't understand why Lori was so frustrated. We basically just saved Hershel's life and she was mad?

"We needed supplies so I got them." Carl started getting angry.

"I appreciate that but-" Lori said.

Carl stopped her before she could finish her sentence by shouting back at her. "Then get off my back!" The cell went quiet, and I stared at Carl as he ran out the cell. Lori was nice and all, but I didn't getwhy she never let Carl do things by himself.

Us kids are being forced to grow up in a world of fear and death. We need to learn this shit, or it's gonna get us killed.

A/N: yes i wrote this at 2am so sorry if its bad but whatever 🙌 angsty carl lol

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