sorry guys ): but possible new book..?!

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... hi.

it's been a while lol

i don't think i've made an actual chapter of this since august... it's now january.

and to be honest, this story just isn't that great. it flopped and it's not my best writing. the characters are boring and i don't know what to do next for this book.

so i've decided to discontinue this book, meaning that i will not be updating it anymore.

i'm so sorry, but i really have no other option on what to do :(

but on the better side of things, i might start a brand new carl fanfic; one that i actually will make a plan of and decide what to write before i write it.

i haven't 100% decided to do anything yet, this is just an idea so far, but i might go through with it (or i might not, who knows)

anyway that's all i really wanted to say. if you want to read any of my other work, i have carl grimes imagines up which are way better than this book and i also have twd preferences which i don't update often but it's there if you wanna read it.

sooo yeah

- ivy

(p.s: sorry for leaving this on a cliffhanger)

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