2 ; the group

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Me and Chloe were sat in my cell, talking about anything that came to our minds. Alex stayed in his own cell most of the time, playing games on this old GameBoy he found on the side of the road.

Suddenly we heard shouts from outside. It sounded as if people were trying to get into the prison.

I heard Alex get up and walk out of his cell. A couple seconds later, he appeared by the door, holding a gun in his hand. "Come on!" He urged. We immediately got up, grabbed our weapons and followed Alex outside.


We've been on the road for about 8 months. Everyone's exhausted and hungry. We've been living off of old cans of shitty food and we haven't had a good night's sleep in a while.

We just found a prison, which we could use as shelter. There were walkers surrounding it when we got here, however the building looked untouched. But you can never be too sure, there could still be people inside, and they could be a threat to us.

I was right. By the main gate, there were three young people who looked around my age stood there. One was a boy with dark hair and dark eyes, who looked slightly older. The other was a girl with ginger hair and green eyes. The last one was a girl with wavy dark hair and brown eyes.

Looking at her made me feel a way I've never felt before, like my insides were melting, and I could feel my face warming up slightly.

The boy pulled his gun out and so did the girls. "What do you want?" He said.

"Listen, we don't mean any harm. We didn't know you were in here." My dad said. "If you want us to leave we understand."

The boy looked at the two girls, who looked back at him. The boy nodded his head and walked towards Rick. He put his hand out, to shake my dad's.

"I'm Alex," He said. "Thats Chloe and Luna." He continued pointing at the two girls who were stood to his side.

"I'm Rick. This is my wife Lori and my son Carl, that's Beth, Hershel, Maggie, Glenn, Daryl, T-Dog and Carol."


We are gonna let this new group stay with us. They seem harmless. Lets hope it stays that way.


We've only known Rick's group for a few hours, and it already feels like we've been life-long friends.

So far, I've gotten to know Beth really well. She's a few years older than me but I can tell we're gonna be really good friends. Alex started talking to a boy named Carl, who's Rick's son. He's the same age as me and Chloe, but I haven't really talked to him much. He seems nice.

His mom, Lori, is about 8 months pregnant. She could give birth any day now, which is worrying because we don't have any medical supplies apart from a few band-aids. I doubt those will do anything to help, though.

We were all sat around a campfire on the grass inside the prison gates, so no walkers could get at us. We laughed and talked about random things that came to our minds. Until Glenn asked me, Chloe and Alex a question.

"So, how do you guys know each other? Were you friends before all this?" He asked.

"Well, Alex is my brother, and me and Chloe were friends at school." I replied. I've never been good with talking to new people. Luckily I haven't had to do much of that during the apocalypse but now theres a bunch of new people here. My loss.

Glenn nodded. Then Hershel asked Beth to sing a song. At first she was hesitant about it, but we all encouraged her and she started singing. I didn't recognise the song but she had a beautiful voice. Her sister, Maggie, then joined in. Their voices blended together perfectly.

After a while of being outside, we all decided to go inside and go to sleep. Rick's group all went into their own cells and me, Chloe and Alex went into ours. We all fell asleep after a long day of getting to know new people. Today was better than I thought it was going to be.

A/N: YOOO THE GROUP IS HEREEEE!! yes it starts as season 3 but it will go into later seasons. sorry about that but i wanted to show carls growth over the series so yeah pls vote!! and have a nice day <3

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