5 ; broken

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Luna's POV

Its been 1 day since Lori died. None have us have seen Rick, and the entire group feels broken.

I walked into Carl's cell, just to see if he was doing okay. I saw him led on his bed, staring at the wall. "Hey." I sighed. "You feelin' okay?"

"I'm fine." Carl mumbled. He clearly wasn't fine.

"You know, if it makes you feel better, my parents are dead too." I said. Carl turned around to look at me.


It had been a week since the world had gone to shit, and me, Chloe and Alex were on the road as usual.

We walked down the empty road, surrounded by deep forests, and turned a corner to find a herd of walkers. It was quite literally a dead end, and we had no other choice than to fight the walkers.

We all got out weapons ready and began killing the walkers one by one. I stabbed each one in the head with my knife until we got to the last two walkers.

They looked familiar. Too familiar. It was my mom and dad. I turned to Alex and he looked back at me. We thought that we had a chance of finding them. We thought that they were okay. That they would survive. And they were dead this whole time.

Alex walked up to them and stabbed them both in the head, putting an end to their snarling and ending their lives for good. Tears fell down our faces as we continued walking down the road.

*end of flashback*

When I told Carl about how we knew my parents were dead, he looked at me with sympathy. I didn't want pity, I was already over their deaths, and talking about them didn't make me sad anymore. I'm strong and I'm not letting anything hurt me anymore.

"I'm sorry about your parents." Carl said quietly.

"I'm sorry about your mom." I felt really bad for him. I hated that he had to go through this but its what we're gonna have to deal with now.

A/N: sorry this is so short ill make a longer chapter tomorrow or the day after maybe idk

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