13 ; birthday

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Luna's POV

Its been 4 months since the people of Woodbury joined the prison. We haven't seen the Governor since then and we've all been living well in the prison. We're all happy here.

A lot has changed in the past few months. We have grown stronger as a community and we've all gotten closer as friends.

My arm is (almost) completely healed. I don't have the bandage on anymore. All I have to do is be careful that I don't put too much pressure on it.

I've mainly gotten closer to Carl. He's changed a lot too. He's gotten taller, his voice got deeper and his hair got longer. It makes a difference. He turned 14 a month ago, so he isn't much older than me.

Today is my 14th birthday. This is not how I expected to celebrate it. You know, inside a prison, with a bunch of random people that I wouldn't even look twice at before the world went to shit.

I woke up this morning to someone poking my arm. I opened my eyes to see Chloe, Alex and Carl standing over me. "Happy birthday, bitch." Chloe said, laughing. I laughed and put my head back on my pillow.

"Hey," I said, tired. "Please can you let me sleep now?"

"Not happening." Alex said, dragging me out of my bed, which made me flop onto the floor, taking my blanket with me. We all laughed. I love moments like these. They don't happen a lot, but when they do, I make sure to cherish them.

"Okay, fine," I said, getting up from the floor. "I'll get up. Just, leave so I can get dressed." They all left and I got changed into my clothes for the day, which was black jeans, a t shirt and black boots. Pretty much the same thing I where everyday.

I walked out of my cell, and to my surprise, everyone was already awake. Everybody turned to look at me and smiled when I walked towards them and sat down by them.

"So," Rick began. "It's your birthday today, right?"

"Yes?" I replied, confused.

"Sorry we couldn't get you anything." Glenn jumped in. "We would, but, you know."

"Yeah, I get it." I nodded. I wish I could just have a normal birthday, but that's not gonna happen. If you asked me three years ago what my 14th birthday would be like, I'd say that I would have a big party and a cake and lots of presents. I would be a terrible fortune teller.

*seven hours later*

Every night, I sit in the guard tower to watch the sunset. It helps me clear my mind.

I've been thinking about life before it happened a lot today. I remember my birthdays before this. I would spend them with the people I loved the most. Now most of them are gone.

I heard footsteps coming up the tower. I ignored them and continued looking at the sky, until my eyes moving down and focusing on the walkers below.

The door opened, revealing Carl. He stood by the door awkwardly with his hands in his pockets for a few seconds before walking towards me and sitting down. "Hey." He said. "What's up?"

I stayed quiet and kept on looking outside. "You can talk to me, you know." Carl said. I sighed and turned to look at him. I stared into his blue eyes. They sparkled with the very little light coming from outside. I admired them from a minute until I realised what I was doing and I turned away, subconsciously feeling the blush on my cheeks.

"I just-" I stopped myself from talking for a second. "I just miss a lot of people, okay? You got your answer."

"I get it." He said looking at me with the sympathetic look that I dreaded. "I felt like this on my birthday. It doesn't feel like your birthday. It's like a normal day, but somehow worse." He laughed. He described the feeling perfectly. This is why we're such great friends. We get each other.

We looked into each other's eyes again. This happens a lot. Most of the time we don't realise it. But I love it.

A/N: this is shite but ive had the first half of this in my drafts for like two weeks and i needed to finish it😩

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