14 ; mechanics

67 2 1

Carl's POV

I walk outside to immediately be blinded by the sun. There isn't a single cloud in the sky and I can feel the sun burning my arms slightly. I look by the fences to see people killing walkers. They keep piling up against the fence. Now it's just a waiting game until the fences give up.

I look in front of me to see Glenn by a car. It seems like he's fixing it, so I walk over there to check it out.

"Hey, Carl." Glenn says when he sees me walking towards them.

I notice someone underneath the car. I can't tell who it is because their face is covered. Glenn sees my confused face and laughs a little. "Luna." He points to the person.

Luna gets out from under the car. She sits down on the floor, her hair slightly messed up, and hugs her legs to her chest. She wears black jeans and a white tank top. Well, it used to be white, but now there's spots of dirt on it. "Hi, Carl." She says to me, smiling.

"Hey." I say awkwardly, putting my hands in my pockets. "I didn't-" I stop for a second to look at the car. "I didn't know you could fix cars."

"My dad was a mechanic." Luna says, standing up. "He taught me a thing or two."

"Oh." I say under my breath. This whole encounter is really awkward. They always are. It's always me that makes it awkward.

Glenn climbs into the driver's seat while I stay outside. Luna walks over to the front of the car. "Pop the hood." She says not looking at any of us, and focusing on the car. The hood opens and she starts doing something that I'm not paying attention to. The only thing I can pay attention to is Luna.

I try not to stare but I can't help myself. I look away, feeling my cheeks turn pink. I climb into the car next to Glenn to try and distract myself.

"You good?" Glenn whispers to me.

I glance at him. "Yeah, I'm fine. Why?" I panic slightly. I already think he's caught on that I like Luna.

"You're being more awkward than usual." He says making me turn to look at him. I narrow my eyes in confusion. "Look, man." Glenn sighs. "I'll just say one thing. You're terrible at hiding things. Like me." He says smiling.

I roll my eyes and chuckle lightly. Luna slams down the hood which makes us both jump a little. She stands outside the car next to my seat and crosses her arms. "Does it work then?" She says impatiently. She steps away from the car slightly as Glenn tests the car. It works.

"Does the air con work?" Luna says. Me and Glenn look at her. "Come on. If we're in a car in this heat we'll practically melt."

Glenn looks at all of the buttons, trying to find the correct one. "Uh," He starts. "Which button is the air con?"

Luna rolls her eyes and leans over me and into the car. She turns on the air con and cold air blows into our faces. But I'm not focusing on the air con. I can't help but stare at Luna's body as she leans over me. She stays like this for a few seconds, taking in the cool air, before getting out of the car.

As she gets off of me, I stare at her in disbelief. "Okay, so the car's good now?" She asks. Glenn nods his head. "I'm going back inside now. See you later." She says as she starts walking away.

I turn to look at Glenn and he just bursts out laughing. I can feel my face turning red again.
"Shut up, Glenn." I say before getting out of the car and slamming the door shut, walking back towards the prison. "What did I do?!" I hear Glenn shout from the car.

A/N: this is kind of a filler chapter sorry :/ also i would like to make a formal apology for all of your innocent minds that have been destroyed because of this chapter 😊

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