17 ; guess who, part 1

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A/N: hi! before this chapter starts i want to thank you all for 100 reads on this story. i love writing this and im glad that you all enjoy it and continue to read it. i love you all so much. thank you for supporting me and my work! - abbie <3

Carl's POV

Michonne and Daryl walked through the gate. We all watched in horror as we discovered that Alex was dead. Chloe held Luna back as she cried, reaching out for her deceased brother. I felt so bad for her. Now she knew what it was like to lose someone that she truly loved and cared for. I just hope that she isn't next.

My attention was drawn to the man in handcuffs that Michonne was leading into our home. He seemed dangerous. I wondered if he was the person that killed Alex as I noticed the extra gun on Michonne's belt. It most likely belonged to him.

Everyone was now outside. We were all close to Alex. He was always so kind to everybody. He was free-spirited, but now his spirit was free. He was gone, and there was no going back from it.


The man had been tied to a chair in the middle of the cellblock, which was also where we had all met Alex for the first time. Chloe and Beth had stayed with Luna, taking Judith with them, as the rest of us questioned the man.

"Alright," My dad said, sat down on a chair in front of our suspect. "Tell us exactly what happened."

"I was out in th- the woods and we, uh, we crossed paths," The man stuttered. He wasn't scared; he seemed unsure of what he was saying, as if he was making it up. "I thought he would be a good, uh, a good addition to my army."

"Your army?" Glenn said, not believing a word he was saying.


"So, you killed the guy that was supposed to be in your 'army'." Maggie said.

"Alex was alive when we found them." Michonne spoke up. "We asked for him back, and the guy wouldn't budge. So he shot him in the head."

"Well that's stupid." I said under my breath, earning a 'please shut the fuck up' look from my dad.

"This army of yours, who's the leader." My dad curiously asked.



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