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mattia's pov

"your telling me , she has been working here for three years and i wasnt aware." i pour wine in my glass . 

" thats unbelievable," alejandro takes a sip. " she is very attractive"

" back off she is mine" i clarify. " if you want a one night stand find someone else." 

" can we please get back on topic?" kairi groaned.

" so you serpants need our help?" i ask. me , kairi , alejandro , are apart of the panthers and mariano was apart of the serpents . 

" yes , a little birdie infact told me that the vixens are expecting a huge delivery." said mar , " so why dont we interrupt it for a bit?"

" no way" kairi says sternley. " we already cost them millions of dollars and killed of half there gang." 

" chill out kairi" alejandro says. " it nothing we cant handle"

" exactly , look at how this can benefit all of us" i chime in . " plus it wouldnt hurt to kill a little more." 

" but when the police is on our ass , i dont want to here no complaining" kairi says angrily. " remember last time , you were this close to getting locked up." 

" dont worry about the police." i tell him. " we have a come on our side , micheal , he keeps the cops off of our ass and out of our way." 

" sounds like we have a deal." mariano says. " we split what we steal , meet you at the docks by 7 tmr night."

i escort mariano and the rest of his men through the elevator and out of the building. i go back into the elevator back onto the main floor. 

" does anyone know where avery adair's office is?" i ask my workers. " im not talking to myself , am i?"

" right this way sir" another worker says. 

he lead me way into the back to her office . i didnt bother knock because it was my building. i saw facing the back printing out papers. she looked absolutely beautiful in that black fitted dress.  

" jesus fucking christ do you people know how to knock?" she jumps and i chuckle a bit. " that isnt funny."

"hello princess." i walk to her desk and sit.

" how many times do i have to tell you stop calling me that?" she snaps.

" i love your attitude" i smirk. 

avery rolls her eyes and continues her job. 

" why dont you sit down and take a break?" i offer. 

" no thank you" she says not even looking at me. " i dont get paid to sit and talk."

" you must have forgot im you boss , right?" i say sternly. " i ask , people do , it is that simple." 

" your really pulling the ' i am your boss' card?" she sighs. 

" hey babygir- oh" another worker comes in. " i see your busy , i will come back later." 

" no camila its fine , what did you need?" she says.

" i was gonna ask if you want chic fi la for lunch?" camila ask . " your usual?" 

avery nods . 

" sorry mr.polibio for interrupting." the girl apologizes and walks out. 

" well if you excuse me , i have a meeting to attend." avery says before walking out.

" so what was our boss doing in your office?" camila sips her drink. " you guys were getting pretty friendly."

" he is everything that i hate in men" i scoof. " besides the only fact that he pays me , but he is such an ass"

" please atleast tell me you find him attractive?" she smiles. " he is like .... hot"

" no " i lie. " you were over exaggerating." 

" what? you will not sit her and tell me he is not remotely good looking." she says giving me a shocked face. " if im being honest , he could work me up anytime."

" well have fun with that." i laugh . " you will be stuck fighting for 1st place against isabelle."

" oh shut up , you will change your mind." she says. 

" can we clock out now?" i roll my eyes. " im tired."

" lets go then." camila says.

i grab my purse and jacket of the back of my chair and walk out . we both walked out of the building and made our way to the parking lot . 

" drive safe , love you." camila yelled before getting into her car. 

" love you too" i say . i got into my car and looked for my phone. i noticed it wasnt in there and i remembered i left it in my draw. i sighed and got out of my car and walked into the building. 

i made it inside and on my floor , i walked to my office and unlocked the door . i went to my draw and found it . 

as i was walking back out i noticed two boys walking out of one of the meeting rooms. i notice them from the vip room from earlier . 

" oh hey" one of them walks up to me . " im alejandro i saw you in the vip lounge earlier" 

" yeah hi , im avery" i smile. he looks me up and down with a smirk. 

" your very beautiful by the way." he says . 

he is very attractive , but not as attractive as mattia . 

" well thank you" i say. " you are fairly attractive yourself."

" thank you. well im gonna get out of your way" he says . " drive safe"

i nod my head and continue to walk out . i get into my car and drive straight home. 

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