axel and amara

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- avery

majority of the plane ride was filled with snoring or people going back and forth from the restroom. mattia face was planted in the crook of my neck snoring his life away. the breath escaping his mouth tickles my neck but i try not to move because he is comfortable.

" ms.adair we are landing," the flight attendant informs me. i nod my head in response and she disappears behind the thick black curtains. i look down to mattia and lightly shake his shoulders. he immediately jumps up because he is a light sleeper. giving the lifestyle he lives , he has no choice.

" what happened?" he questions. " we are landing ," i answer. the plane slowly comes to a stop indicating that we have landed.

the door of the plane opens and everyone begins to stand up. me and mattia exit the plane first being greeting by our guards. " i hope you had safe travels miss," dave says.

" i didn't get to enjoy it much because your boss doesn't know how to stop snoring," i smile but very small. " i wasn't that bad compared to kairi." mattia states while fixing his tux.

i look behind me and everyone was practically off of the plane. " what is the update status on our luggage and my father?" mattia asked his assistant. we begin to walk to wherever the hell he is going.

" all of your luggage has arrived to the house sir. your father expects you at 7 pm and its currently 5:15. the drive is approximately 1 hour and there are two limos waiting for you." she answers.

" okay lets get going then," mattia states. he grabs onto my hand as we are being led to the limo. as the guard opens the door mattia , alejandro , kairi , mark , jessica , ali , blair and i all enter one limo. the rest of the panthers ride in the other one. ever since we got o that plane i have been nervous to meet mattia's dad again.

i don't know if i have to keep up with the assistant act or what? the limo pulls off and i pull out my phone camera to fix any flaws with my makeup. " you seem tense , is everything okay?" mattia places a hand on my thigh and moves closer to my ear.

" im nervous,"

" why?"

" do i have to keep up with the assistant act or can i finally be your girlfriend in front of your dad?"i asked.

it takes him to long to answer and it's pissing me off. he needs to say something now or he will be accompanying that place alone. " you can be my girlfriend or my wife, you pick." he finally answers.

i know he read my facial expressions that's why he finally answered.

( at the restaurant)

pulling under the carport of the restaurant i admire its beauty. it was truly amazing and pretty big. the door opens with mattia stepping out first and i follow. i take a deep breath to calm my nerves. i take a good look around and everyone outside is dressed like they are going to a wedding.

jessica comes up behind me and fixes my long dress. i honestly hate wearing heels with long dresses but it was best for the occasion. i follow mattia's lead into the restaurant and it was quite full. the hallways were not as packed as outside.

we come to an immediate stop at a desk , " mattia polibio" mattia speaks. the man at the front nods and tells us which direction to go.

somehow we had to walk upstairs to get to mattia's father. as we reached up a few steps two guards stood outside of a big door. as they open i get a peek inside and it looks like a ballroom.classy , elegant music plays slowly throughout the place , still being able to hear the murmuring of people talking.

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