mattia's father

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disclaimer: this whole chapter will be mattia's pov.

walking into my fathers buisness place like the royal family everyone claims us to be. we aren't royal what so ever , my father doesn't know were his loyalty resides these days. his son or his intern.

my dad called and emergency meeting to us before our meeting thats in a few hours with felix. felix is our consigliere, the third command in our family and my closest advisor.

the meeting was discuss a few things about vincenzo. we are building a plan to take him down. i dont plan on killing him but i surely will if he tries anything stupid. i brought along avery with us because my dad seems to be less aggravating when she is around. in the meeting we will be using code names because i would really like to keep his name a secret from her. i just wanted her to get out of the house , instead of feeling like a prisoner.

lets see what my father has in store for me today. we walked into the hallway where his office is located. i didn't bother knocking because i know my father wont have company at his office.

" goodmorning father , you called for an emergency meeting." i say being caught off gaurd. my father looks worried and he never is. he is old and one of the richest people in the world , what could he possibly be worried about.

" father? father? hello?" i call to him and he isn't responding. i snap my fingers in his face and he looks up.

" im sorry , yes i need to speak with you alone." i looks at everyone else. " that was an order , everyone leave. avery you stay close and dont leave without anyone please?" i turn to her and kiss her cheek. she nods her head and exits the room along with everyone else.

the door closes behind her and i turn back to my dad. " what was so important that my soldiers or wife couldnt hear?" i roll ny eyes and sit in the chair.

" i need you to stay calm and dont do anything idiotic. vincenzo was a good friend of mines a few years ago , before i met your mother. we grew up together because his father and mine were also good friends. throughout the mafia business, they never went against each other because they signed a treaty for peace. my dad finally decided to let me in on the whole mafia thing and taught me everything i needed to know and then i became a capo."

" we went to this high end high school. we would have to hide that we were even in a mafia or lived that type of lifestyle. thats where i met your mother. she was so sacred to me but i was to afraid to even speak to her. one day vincenzo gave me the courage to speak to her and i did. he was like a wing man at this point. me and your mother started talking alot more and became close. vincenzo set up a surprise date for us two where i would ask her to be my girlfriend. i did and she said yes. i told vincenzo everything that happened that night but he was acting weird. he didnt look too happy about any of it but tried to play it off. i knew something was gonna go down hill when he started getting closer to your mother. anytime me and vanessa would want to hang out alone he would try to tag along. any dates he would try to make is a double date."

" what are you trying to say? i dont get it and why are you telling me this now?" i clench my teeth and ask.

" just let me finish son , i know this is alot for you and you have somewhere to be."

i sit back into my chair and cross my arms. i clench my fist tightly before he started again.

" as i was saying , one thing lead to the next. i stopped talking to him for a few weeks until he came to apologize to me. as we grew older vincenzo stayed far from vanessa and i. three years out of high school i asked vanessa to marry me and then she told me she was pregnant with you. i told my father the news and he accepted everything. he planned the wedding reception , the baby shower , house warming , everything. i couldnt thank my father enough. i invited vincenzo to the wedding but he never showed. few months after the wedding , your mother had you."

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