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palms are sweaty , anger causing my blood to boil. hot tears running down few faces and sadness fills the air. 

her cold pale body lays on the table. covered in bruises and stab wounds. something didn't feel quite right. no one could believe that she was gone , even her own bestfriend. camila couldn't even stay inside the room.

the pain mattia felt , seeing his girlfriends maybe even his soon to be wife lifeless body lay on the table. 

" im so sorry for your loss , we tried the best we can but she lost to much blood." the doctor sighs. she pulls the white sheet back over her body. 

2 weeks later


" mattia i shot way better than you," avery smiles lifting her glasses off her eyes.

" oh you want to bet on that," mattia grabs the gun and aims at the target. 

he fires two shots into the center of its head. 

" but can you do this?" she closes her eyes and aims the gun towards the dummy. she hits every shooting point on the target leaving mattia speechless. 

" damn baby , where did you learn that?" mattia questions while rubbing her shoulders. 

" only from the best," she smirks. 

" im glad you know , now what did you want to tell me?" 

" i wanted to tell you that , i love you!" she blurts out as they look in each others eyes. 

this was the first time she ever told him that she loved him. 


everyone dressed in all black filled the parking lot of the church. im so took back on how many people showed up because she wasn't really friends with many people. i stood far in the back watching as everyone greets each other. 

i wasn't prepared for this day to come so soon. im an emotional wreck and i didn't even know that i could cry. nothing seemed right at all , it was just way to soon. 

"hey man , how you holding up?" alejandro and kairi walk up to me.

" i ran out of tears and im tired," i sigh looking down. 

" i just cant believe that she is gone," kairi said in a gloomy tone. " i remember when i didn't like her cause i thought she was a distraction to you."

" i will never forget when she used to hate me, it took me just to kidnap her." i chuckle softly. 

" im not ready to say good bye to her at all." alejandro wipes away the tears forming in his eyes.

" me either, letting her go is probably gonna be the hardest thing i have to do." i state looking up at the church. 

everyone begins to walk in but they all stop for us to come through first. we walk in and the place is decorated beautifully. before her casket was a portrait of my favorite picture of her in a black frame. 

everyone wanted to do a closed casket but i didn't want to. i walk up to the casket and admire her. even though there isn't a soul left in there she still was so beautiful.

tears fly down my cheek and i blink repeatedly to get them out of the way. alejandro rubs my shoulders in a comforting way.  

the panthers were scattered all throughout the place and we sat on the bench in the front. 

" today we honor the life of a loved one , a daughter, a best friend, and a sister." the church men spoke. it fell silent and awkward because we never attend funerals unless one of our greatest dies.

" first we will have her bestfriends com up and say a few words-" he began again but was interrupted by the doors creaking open. 

" holy fucking hell," i hear someone gulp. 

i turn around and it was xavier. some panthers get up and aim there fir arm at him. 

"oh come on , your gonna shoot me in the house o god?" he smirks and walks up to the casket. 

he has gotten some fucking nerve walking up in here like he isn't the reason she is in there and not with me.

i get up from my seat only to be pulled back by jessica , " mattia , don't do anything stupid." she whispers. 

" trust me , i just want to make a few words." i smirk unpleasantly. 

she lets me go and i walk up to the casket and stand next to him. i just want to blow his head off. 

" panthers hold your fire," i order and they all do. a few people gasp around and make whispers. 

" you have some fucking nerve walking up in here," i start while staring down. 

" look i heard the news and just came to pay my respects," he lies. i know him very well and he came in here to start trouble. 

" bullshit , dont come and act like your not the reason we are here now." i huff , still not making eye contact. 

" oh but i wish i did, next time its gonna be you in there and hopefully they bury yours right next to hers." he smirks on the side of my eye. 

" you better get out of here before i hurt you." i demanded and he scoffs. 

he fixes his tux and walks away. i watch as he exits and i turn back to the casket , " i'm sorry your not here with me." i sob and walk back to my seat. 

" its okay , he is gonna pay for this shit." mark comforts me. 

oh trust me , i know. everyone that was involved in this will pay. if i have to cause another war for the life he took from us , that's exactly what i will do.

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