welcome to bora bora

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we finally landed in bora bora, we were driving to the resort where we were staying. the view was really nice and the smell of salt water was calming. 

the sign welcoming us letting me know that we finally made it into the resort. our driver parked under the parking hood and opened the door for us. 

i stepped out of the vehicle and walked to the trunk to get my things. everyone grabbed their stuff and walked inside to check into our cabanas. 

" hello welcome to the finest luxury resort in bora bora, how may i help you guys today?" the lady at the front desk asked.

" im mattia polibio, im checking in for the weekend," mattia says.

" yes, 5 private cabanas with full service, is that correct?" the lady asked.

" no it's supposed to be 6 cabanas," alejandro adds. 

" the man that i spoke to on the phone said two of the guest would be sharing the room," she explains.

im guessing that mattia's dad put me and him in a room together. maybe it was meant for alejandro and kairi. 

" can i know the names for the shared cabana?" mattia asked her. 

she started typing in the computer, " uhm avery adair and mattia polibio," she says looking up.

i see mattia smirk , " okay thank you the five cabanas are fine," mattia says. 

" okay here are you keys and that young man will take you to your cabanas," she says giving us our keys.

we walk over to the man and he leads each of us outside, the walk was kinda far but we pushed through it. we finally made it to ours and ale and jessica's own were close to ours.

we walked into ours and it was beautiful, from the light wooden flooring to the view. i was so inlove with it . i set my suitcase in the corner of the room by a wooden chair.

" wow this is beautiful," i say. " the view is so pretty."

" not as pretty as my view," mattia says wrapping his hands around my waist. i lightly shrug him off.

" hey hey whats wrong?" he says. " did someone say something to you?"

" no its what someone didnt say," i roll my eyes. " im gonna get dressed for the beach."

" no your gonna talk to me first," mattia grabs my wrist. " did i do something to you?" 

i pull my hand back, " mattia dont act stupid we can talk about it later," i say. 

" avery i want to talk about it now," he growls. " we are not going to go out there until you talk to me."

" gosh mattia, just stop okay, i said we can talk about it later," i shout. he gets drawn back my the tone in my voice. i know he doesn't like when people yell at him but that's to bad. " now im gonna get dressed to go out."

i take my suitcase into the bathroom and put on my light blue two piece with a white skirt wrap and some brown sandals. my hair was a bit wavey so i just brushed it out and put a alligator clip in it. 

i walked out of the bathroom and mattia was ready, he was wearing a white t-shirt with some khaki shorts. 

" are you ready?" i ask facing the mirror. 

" yes," he says plainly. boy idgaf stay mad if you want. 

he grabs the keys off the table and we walk out the door. we met up with the rest by the bar and all of their faces change when they see how upset me and mattia are. 

" hey avery whats up?" jessica walks over to me. 

" nothing and you look amazing," i smile at her. " lets go and get a drink!"

i grab her hand and we walk into the bar leaving the boys outside.

- mattia 

" hey man whats up with you?" mark asked concerned.

" i dont know avery is upset with me for some reason," i say. " we were just fine before we left the house but as soon as she got on the plane her whole personality switched."

" what did you do this time?" kairi asked.

" nothing," i rub my temples.

i dont know what happened between avery and i , we were just fine and then boom she is yelling at me. 

" okay maybe she will tell you what's wrong later," alejandro pats my back. " for now lets just have fun and relax for the weekend." 

" lets go get you a drink man," mark says and we walk into the bar.

as we walk into the bar we try to find avery and jessica, we see them sitting at the bar getting drinks.

" how many have you had so far?" kairi says grabbing the cup from avery. 

" i dont know like 2 of these big glasses," avery says. " are you guys ordering anything?" 

" no you guys are gonna need someone to watch you," kairi answers. 

" well we were just about to head down to the beach for a boat ride," jessica informs. 

they both get out of their seats and walk pass us as we follow behind them. im still trying to put pieces together on why avery is mad at me.

we walk down the beach boardwalk to meet the boat instructor. all of us entered the boat and sat in a seat. i tried to sit next to avery but all she would do is switch seats or put someone in the middle of us.

" the sunset is so pretty," jessica admires as the boat moves across the ocean. " avery please take a picture by it , you look amazing."

avery got out her seat and stood by the railing , she looks so gorgeous. jessica snapped a couple of pictures. as avery walked back to her seat we made eye contact for a few seconds but she looked away.

" the water is making me hungry," ale whines. " can we et something to eat after this?"

" yeah we have reservations at the restaurant ," i inform them. 

hopefully avery talks to me before the night is finish. 

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