𝟬𝟬𝟭. return to korea

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chapter one, return to korea. 

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                          A YEAR HAD PASSED SINCE HIS DEATH, and Moonyoung was a lot better ── yet somewhere in her petite body ── her five-foot-two ( with an extra two inches of pure sass), there was a void, a black hole devoid of any feeling

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                          A YEAR HAD PASSED SINCE HIS DEATH, and Moonyoung was a lot better ── yet somewhere in her petite body ── her five-foot-two ( with an extra two inches of pure sass), there was a void, a black hole devoid of any feeling. And sometimes, the New York wind would blow a little too hard and her fingers would tingle ── a small reminder of what she failed to do. Seyeon had been her love, her life ── her everything. As she left her room, she was greeted by her dad who was casually eating on the kitchen counter. "Hi dad," she smiled, walking up and greeting her father with a hug.

"Moonyoung, we need to discuss something," he said clearing his throat awkwardly. He sat her down on the couch and said, "I think it's time you return to Korea." 

Her heart dropped to that very void, "Why?" Moonyoung asked, managing to find the voice that she had thought was lost somewhere in that same void. 

 "You've had a year here to heal and uh──" he said right at the end, his voice cracking. "Your grandma is ill, and she wanted to see you," he explained as Moonyoung's eyes widened, "Dr. Kang says that she might not make it, so I think it's best you return to stay by her side, until the end."

"Of course," Moonyoung said, "When are we departing New York?" 

 "Tomorrow at 4 am," Her father replied "I'm tired Moonyoung, so I'll be heading to my hotel now," he said as Moonyoung hugged her father and bid him goodbye.

She then realized she forgot to ask her father which school she would be attending, but she busied herself by packing her bags, not really bothering to pack a lot of items as her closet back in Korea was still full. She then went to sleep, making sure she was well rested before the long trip to the airport and back to Korea.

         The loud ringing of the alarm awoke her. She sat up groggily and headed to the bathroom to get ready for the long day, she double cleansed her skin and put tons of moisture to make sure her skin wasn't going to dry up while in the air. She didn't bother putting makeup on because she was going to be in the air all day.

She then changed into a pair of light-wash jeans, a white t-shirt, and a beige cardigan with an oversized coat. She left her hair down and then grabbed her luggage and was out the door. 

Leaving the luxury apartment complex, she began to walk over to the hotel her dad owned and where he was staying. She met up with her father at the airport at 3:30 and the two got through the check-out desk, and security, and then they relaxed in the lounge.

When they got on board the plane Moonyoung fell asleep as soon as the flight attendants converted her seat into a bed. After 13 hours of flying, they finally landed in Korea. Moonyoung refused to show anyone her eyebags by covering them with her huge Chanel glasses. They took the Bentley ── that was already there waiting for them since 3 am.

When they returned, Moonyoung went to her room and slept for a bit longer. When she finally awoke she went straight to the bathroom to see if she looked any worse ( she didn't ). Her face was still moisturized and pale but her rosy complexion had almost disappeared. She changed into a black turtle neck, light wash jeans, and her leather jacket with some doctor marten boots.

She put on some blush and lip tint as she decided to go to Prince Comics. A place she loved going to ever since she was a child. Though, she wasn't sure if she could even go in because of all the memories with Suho. She shrugged it off and went to the garage and she took her ── now dusty, black matte motorcycle.

She had gotten it for her birthday a while ago and she adored it to bits. She put her also black helmet on and took her motorcycle for a ride. The cold Seoul air consumed her as she rode the bike. When she finally made it to Prince Comics she opened the door and was greeted by Mr. Prince.

"Moon-Moon?" he asked as both Suho's and Jugyeong's heads whipped over to her direction. 

"Mr. Prince!" Moonyoung beamed as Suho stiffened Moonyoung then made her way over to the reading corner "Lee Suho?" Moonyoung asked, Suho froze.

Moonyoung then noticed the book that they were grabbing. It was also the book she came here for she ran towards them and snatched the book. Shocked by the sudden force, the pimply girl moved out of the way resulting in Moonyoung falling on Suho.

"Shit," Moonyoung muttered as she quickly stood up handing the book to the girl, Suho following suit. 

The girl seemed to be in a hurry before "Excuse me, I grabbed it first," Suho announced as Moonyoung rolled her eyes

 "Well guess who has it, her── What's your name?" Moonyoung snapped as Suho looked at her incredulously.

"Just call me Ju-Bal. You can read it first," Ju-Bal said quickly 

"No! No! It was rude of me- us to grab it," Moonyoung said as she grabbed another book to read and settled down into the seats

"Do you live nearby?" Ju-Bal asked "I'm not trying to dig into who you are or anything, it's just you have a face that stands out and I haven't seen you around," she clarified shyly as Moonyoung sniggered and Suho, he seemed unfazed.

"That means I don't live in this neighborhood," he replied simply. "Then why did you crawl out here?" Ju-bal muttered, sadly both Moonyoung and Suho heard. 

"I didn't crawl here, I started walking when I was 11 months old." Suho deadpanned, "We are both eighteen," he continued abruptly as the two girls looked at him, "You look our age so I don't feel comfortable using honorifics with you. How old are you?"

"I'm fifteen and in eighth grade," Ju-Bal said, trying to use the highest voice she could muster.

"You don't look younger than me," Suho said bluntly 

 "I'm kidding, I'm 25 years old.  I am way older than you two," she laughed

 "So, we're the same age," Moonyoung concluded as Suho nodded, Ju-Bal groaned and finished her noodles, and ran out of the store, "Weirdo," Moonyoung muttered as the two left the comic book shop. She glanced at Suho and noticed that he was just as, if not more uncomfortable as she was, "I'll see you around, I guess," she shrugged, hopping on her bike and speeding away.

   💌  SORA SAYS...

hi, finally found time to upload the first chapter. if u guys remember, this chapter went through a massive amount of editing. i like this chapter much better than the old one tbh ── i think this definitely proves that my writing has massively improved thanks to this book. but I'm honestly thinking of making seojun a love interest for moonyoung. idk, at first i wanted moonyoung and seojun to just be besties, but idk at this point i have no idea who's gonna be moonyoung's love interest 😭 vote in the comments hehe. also, make sure to vote so i have some sort of motivation 😩

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