𝟬𝟯𝟰. exposing lim jukyung.

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— ❝ ( chapter thirty-four, exposing lim jukyung. ) ᵕ̈ ೫˚∗

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ALL WAS CHAOS, when Moonyoung entered class, Soo-ah came running up to her, "Jang Moon!" She called, she seemed hurt and upset

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ALL WAS CHAOS, when Moonyoung entered class, Soo-ah came running up to her, "Jang Moon!" She called, she seemed hurt and upset. "Oh, Choisoo, what's up?" Moonyoung asked as Soo-ah showed Moonyoung a video. Moonyoung pressed play and she watched as Jukyung was on the floor while Park Semi and her posse poured what seemed like a gift onto her head. Her heart dropped at the sight of her friend. After she watched the video, Jukyung entered the class and whispers plagued the room as Jukyung looked confused and nervous.

Soo-ah grabbed Moonyoung by the arm and dragged her over to Jukyung. "Jukyung-ah, is this really you?" she asked as she showed Jukyung her phone while Jukyung peered into the small screen. Moonyoung watched as Jukyung's face fell and her complexion paled.

Jukyung did not say anything and that was enough for Soo-ah to storm out of the classroom, bumping shoulders with Jukyung. "It's fine, don't listen to them--" Moonyoung soothed before cutting herself off she watched as Jukyung's eyes brewed with tears before running out of the class.

"Jukyung-ah!" she called, running towards her as she fought to pass the crowd to see someone bump into Jukyung which made Jukyung fall to the ground. Suho came around the corner and rushed over to see if she was alright. Before Moonyoung could rush over to her, Jukyung pushed Suho's hand away and ran off, leaving Suho shocked and hurt.

Moonyoung pulled Suho up before running after Jukyung. They pushed their way out of the crowd that plagued the bathroom and could see a group of bullies crowding around Jukyung while attempting to wipe Jukyung's makeup off.

Suho and Moonyoung quickly ran over to them as Suho grabbed the girl's arm, "Get you hands off of her," he snarled as Moonyoung went over to hug Jukyung,  covering her from everyone's view.

Jukyung suddenly pushed Moonyoung off, making Moonyoung fall to the ground before running off. "Jukyung!" Suho called, running after Jukyung as Moonyoung got up and rubbed her back before she got up and ran after the couple.

She had gotten to the gate when she saw Seojun. "Have, you, seen, Jukyung?" she asked, pausing from every word as she panted. "They just ran out of the school," Seojun informed, "Why?" he asked, Moonyoung stopped.

"You don't know?" she asked confusedly as she pulled out her phone and showed Seojun the video. "This was uploaded on the school website," she told him, "Park Semi," he muttered as it clicked in her mind, "Right! This was the video she showed us!" Moonyoung exclaimed as she grabbed Seojun by the arm and they left the school.

The two friends marched into Yongpa Highschool, furious looks painted on their faces as people whispered to one another. "Aren't they from Saebom?" One of the students asked, "Han Seojun? Jang Moonyoung?" another one asked, "What are they doing here?" "No idea, but they are so handsome and pretty,"

"Han Seojun!" Semi sang as she skipped over to them, Moonyoung had to bite back a laugh as she watched as Semi's face fell, "I heard you two asked for me, why?" she asked, "We told you we wouldn't stand still if you did this kind of thing again," Moonyoung seethed, "And what exactly are you going to do to me?" Semi challenged.

"Delete it while I'm being nice," Seojun said, stepping near her, "Delete what?" Semi asked, "The Video you showed us yesterday!" Moonyoung snapped as Semi's eyes faltered and her face seemed scared, "You uploaded that on our school community," Seojun continued, "What? Your school community?" Semi repeated, her face flickering back to that annoying expression

"What are you talking about? Did someone upload that on your school community?" "My gosh, that's unbelievable! You guys came here because of that? Well, sorry to tell you this, but it wasn't me," Semi said, "It wasn't you?" Seojun repeated, "It wasn't!" Semi continued, "Dumpling doesn't even go to our school, why would I upload it on your school's online community?"

"No one else but you would do such bullshit," Moonyoung deadpanned, "That's not true, how do you think I found out that Lim Jukyung was dumpling?" Semi asked as Seojun seemed to be in thought before dragging Moonyoung out of the school.

"What did she mean?" Moonyoung asked as continued he dragged her, "It's Kang Soojin," Seojun said breathlessly, "Soojin likes Suho and did that to destroy Jukyung," he explained as Moonyoung's expression dropped, it made sense, yesterday's betrayal and suddenly today's random upload about Jukyung.

Seojun slammed the door to the class open and angrily went to Soojin. "Follow me outside," he said coldly, "Why?" Soojin asked, "Do you want him to say it here?" Moonyoung asked, her tone wavering between sadness and anger. "The class is about to start," Soojin said nonchalantly, "Just follow me outside," Seojun said before dragging her out despite the protests from other students.

Moonyoung did not follow because she was not ready to face Soojin. They were the closest of friends before the latest years. She could not bring herself to face Soojin out of pure disappointment for the girl.

She could only sit in her seat in pure silence as Taehoon kept on rambling to her, waiting for the school day to end so she could see Soojin. She mentally and physically prepared herself all day. And when the school day finally ended, she called her driver to take her to the Kang household.

She knocked on the door and pulled the rim of her skirt down before the door opened and came Mrs. Kang in her full grace. "Omo! Moonyoung! What brings you here today?" she asked, "Uh, I have some work to do with Soojin... may I come in?" Moonyoung asked as Mrs. Kang's face twisted into a smile.

"Of course dear, I'll go cut up some fruit for you," she said in a kind smile as Moonyoung nodded, smiling before going up the stairs and heading to Soojin's room. She did not knock and opened the door. "Kang Soojin," she murmured, "We need to talk," she said, closing the door and locking it as Soojin glared at her

"Get out of my room," she said coldly as the door knocked as Moonyoung went over to open it, and in came Mrs. Kang. "I cut some fruit up for you girls! You girls used to hang out all the time!" She gushed, putting the plate of cut fruit onto Soojin's table before leaving the room.

"Why did you do that?" Moonyoung asked truthfully, shoving a piece of watermelon into her mouth as she paced around Soojin's bedroom. Soojin did not reply, "I'm disappointed in you," Moonyoung murmured as Soojin slammed her pen onto the desk.

"Can you stop?" Soojin asked angrily, "You don't know how I feel," she added coldly, "I do," Moonyoung said calmly, "I like Suho too," Moonyoung admitted as Soojin turned to her, obviously shocked. The high and mighty, Jang Moonyoung liked Suho? it sounded fake. "I really hope you come to your senses about this," Moonyoung said earnestly, "Was this really worth it?" Moonyoung asked before grabbing the last piece of fruit before leaving the room.

"Moonyoung, are you leaving already?" Mrs Kang asked as Moonyoung nodded, "We finished the project really quickly," Moonyoung explained before bidding Mrs. Kang goodbye and then leaving the house.

And that officially started Kang Soojin's downfall.

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