𝟬𝟭𝟮. comfort crowd.

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— ❝ ( chapter twelve, comfort crowd ) ᵕ̈ ೫˚∗

— ❝ ( chapter twelve, comfort crowd ) ᵕ̈ ೫˚∗

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THE DOOR SWUNG OPEN TO REVEAL LEE SUHO, who was staring at her wide-eyed

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THE DOOR SWUNG OPEN TO REVEAL LEE SUHO, who was staring at her wide-eyed. "Jang Moonyoung get down from there," he warned "Seyeon told me that the view was pretty that night," she mused as tears fell from her cheeks. "I see what he means," she smiled bitterly. Suho didn't care, he ran and pulled her down from the railing only for her to sink into his embrace.

"I couldn't save him," she cried as Suho hugged her stroking her hair, tears falling from his eyes. "I was mad at you for not saving him and not answering his call, but I'm the one to blame!" she cried. 

"I remember," she explained finally getting out of his embrace and cupping his cheeks. "It was your mom's death anniversary and you were ignoring everyone's calls," she cried as he stared at her with a look of relief and somewhat happiness that she finally understood. She and Suho stood up and walked around the rooftop before sinking into a corner. Crying in each other's embrace and warmth as they remembered their best friend and lover. 

They say that a wounded heart heals faster when it has company. Lee Suho and Jang Moonyoung both lost the thing that was dearest to their hearts. Broken Hearts take time to heal, and lovesickness takes time to cure. But what is important is you have someone there to be by your side during your recovery. 

Lim Jukyung returned to the place she had gone to a few months back, the place where she wanted to leave this world. A tear fell from her eyes when she recalled the memory when she suddenly heard sniffles and cries. 

She quietly approached the noise to see Jang Moonyoung and Lee Suho crying in each other's company. The two had snuggled close together as they cried their hearts out. Jukyung quickly fled the roof in fear of them finding out she was there too.

After they had no more tears to spill, they sat there staring at the city night."Are you okay?" Suho asked as Moonyoung leaned her head on his shoulder. "I'm always okay," she sighed, smiling sadly.

"What about you, are you okay?" she asked "I'm relieved," he answered truthfully, "I'm glad that you finally understood my actions, I'm relieved," Suho explained as Moonyoung laughed. "Not a time to be wise, Ho-Ho," she laughed as he smiled at the childhood nickname.

Suddenly, a loud bell went off as people started yelling and screaming as they got to the rooftop. Moonyoung and Suho ran over to the crowd of people quickly. "Is it a serious fire?" Moonyoung asked hurriedly, "Everything's on fire!" exclaimed a man who looked like he was showering before the alarm came off.

"Oh Shit," Moonyoung cursed covering her mouth, "I'm too pretty and young to die," she whined as she turned to Suho, "What do we do?" she asked while hitting his shoulder. Everyone started to go down the stairs as the announcer said. "The alarm went off because someone in the unit was grilling dried pollack," 

Moonyoung hated crowded places, the man from earlier started to push his way to the front when he got near Moonyoung, Suho had placed a protective arm around her waist as he guarded her against the surrounding people. 

The two sat on the bench as cars passed them, "Let's just walk," Moonyoung suggested as she and Suho got up and started walking to Suho's apartment, where she would be spending the night. When they arrived, they noticed Suho's dad's car. 

"Did you two just get home?" Mr Lee asked as Suho and Moonyoung turned around, facing him. "Why did you come here unannounced?' Suho asked, "Have you two eaten?" he asked again "Yes," Moonyoung replied politely "So please leave," Suho added. 

"Are you telling me to leave, even after so long?" Mr Lee asked, smiling, "Your home teacher phoned me about a parent-teacher conference," he explained, as two people noticed Mr Lee and took some photos. "No photos," Mr Lee's bodyguard said sternly "Oh, sorry," the couple said before leaving.

"Just ignore the conference," Suho snapped "I'll tell them you're too busy and Mr Jang can go instead," he added. He had a much better relationship with Jang Woojin as the man took the young boy in on the night of his mother's death. 

"I've already cleared my schedule," Mr Lee said proudly "So what do I need to bring to the conference?" he asked "I've never done this before, I'm already nervous," he sighed. Jang Woojin went in his place of course. 

"he said he didn't want the school to know," Moonyoung stated, "The teaching staff know I'm his father," Mr Lee replied, "So what would they think of me if I don't pay a visit?"Mr Lee stated.

 "Just do what you always do," Suho replied, "We want to rest," Moonyoung said monotonously "So please leave," Suho added as he and Moonyoung made their way into the complex. 

When they arrived back at the apartment Moonyoung went and flopped onto the bed as Suho sat on the edge thinking about something. "Yah, Lee Suho," Moonyoung called as he turned to her. 

"Why was Jukyung so upset today?" Moonyoung asked, "I told her i was being nice to her out of pity," Suho answered truthfully, sounding a bit regretfull as Moonyoung sat up. "WHAT?" she yelled as Suho flinched.

"Why would you say that?" Moonyoung groaned as she flopped back on the bed. Suho lied next to her "I don't know," he answered, the two lay there in silence when Moonyoung heard small snores. 

She turned over to see Suho sleeping peacefully with a smile on his face, "How cute," she murmured and decided to clean his house a bit. She could only do the laundry -- the boy couldn't wash his socks even for the life of him and wash some dishes. She then lay next to him, falling asleep. 

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