𝟬𝟭𝟳. amor fati!

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— ❝ ( chapter seventeen, amor fati! ) ᵕ̈ ೫˚∗

 — ❝ ( chapter seventeen, amor fati! ) ᵕ̈ ೫˚∗

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JANG MOONYOUNG AND LEE SUHO WERE ABSENT. That was all the class knew. Moonyoung had skipped school to take care of Suho who lay in his bed for most of the time. "Suho! Come and drink your medicine," she called as he went over to the counter and quickly ate his medicine as he scrolled through his phone. She swore she heard a faint "She's killing me," but decided to ignore it.

"Let's go on a walk," he said "You're sick," Moonyoung deadpanned. "Please," he begged as she finally caved. "Fine, but you're wearing 3 jackets," Moonyoung warned. The two walked around to see Seojun sitting by a bench.

"Why are you here?" Suho asked, "Yah, is it true you know Dr Kang?" Seojun asked an edge to hios tone, "Who told you that?" Moonyoung asked, her voice faltering. "Why did you two do it?" he asked angrily getting up from the bench and making his way over to them.

"Did you think I'd come and thank you in tears?" Seojun asked incredulously. "You are the worst," Moonyoung said angrily. "IS THAT WHY YOU DID IT BEHIND MY BACK?" he yelled as tears escaped Moonyoung's eyes.

"WOULDN'T YOU HAVE DONE THE SAME THING?" she yelled back tears falling freely "IF YOU WERE US AND COULD'VE SAVED MY MOM OR SUHO'S MOM YOU WOULD'VE DONE IT!" she yelled angrily. "You were our friend. That's why we did it," she said coldly sniffling the tears, quickly wiping them away.

"If you hate it so much then just forget about it," Suho advised before the two turned to leave. "Lee Suho! Jang Moonyoung!" Seojun yelled before receiving a phone call. "why is Jukyung calling me?" he asked as Suho and Moonyoung froze.

He seemed to be angry after the phone call. "What is it?" Suho and she asked "Darn it," he cursed, "What's going on?!" Suho yelled as Seojun finally told them and the three sped off to save Jukyung.

When they got to the coka place, they split up and Moonyoung was the first one to find Jukyung. She slammed the door open, "Omo, our Moonyoung arrived! But we want Seojun," he cheered she ran onto the tables and kicked Sun Ho in the face as the others started to come and defend him.

The door slammed open again and Suho and Seojun entered "YA!" he yelled as the minions started targetting him. Suho ran to protect Jukyung as Moonyoung kept punching at Sun Ho. "That is for touching Jukyung," punch.

"That was for underestimating me," punch. "And that," punch. "Was for my friends," Seojun picked her up and sung her to the other minions as she punched them straight in the face. She moved on to the other punks -- punching and kicking their ugly asses.

Suddenly she heard Soo-ah scream "WE'RE HERE!" Soo-ah yelled as she, Taehoon and Soojin entered. "The avengers are complete," Taehoon sighed. "Who are these jerks?" Soojin asked "Who are you?" one of the guys asked moving forward to punch her just to be greeted by her foot in his face knocking him out. His face slammed onto the controller and "Amor Fati" came on.

"Let's go!" Soojin yelled as she, Taehoon and Soo-ah started to round on the other rascals there. She then turned back to Sun Ho, who Seojun was punching with anger. She pushed Seojun aside and started punching Sun Ho again.

Seojun quickly joined in and the two punched the life out of Sun Ho. Moonyoung decided to take a rest and sat down at the corner. She watched the scene with glee as Soojin kept with the same person, Soo-ah and Taehoon were working together as a team and Seojun and Suho?

They were a bit preoccupied with a certain Lim Jukyung. the lyrics singing in the background.

Design, you've got

The life to guide

Your faith decides

The world's your goal to find

Relax, slow down

They'll hope, design

Even though he's hard to forgive

When you can't just fall in love

Just to know your thoughts you know that

You'll be all right in time.

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐒𝐈𝐂𝐊 ── 𝒕𝒓𝒖𝒆 𝒃𝒆𝒂𝒖𝒕𝒚. ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now