𝟬𝟰𝟯. holiday cheer.

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— ❝ ( chapter forty-three, holiday cheer ) ᵕ̈ ೫˚∗

— ❝ ( chapter forty-three, holiday cheer ) ᵕ̈ ೫˚∗

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IT WAS FINALLY THE WINTER HOLIDAYS. Moonyoung returned to New York City, back to her apartment and she was finally free from what she called the "torture institute" She began her break with her annual winter shopping trip. She had breezed through half a million dollars on a whim, buying the newest designer from every single one of her favorite brands and buying gifts for friends and family. She was sprawled on her leather couch, scrolling through her iPhone as music blared through the speakers. She then recieved a text from her father.


come to the hospital to visit suho's dad

alrighty appa

Moonyoung sighed before getting up and changing into a black lace turtle neck and red leather jacket paired with flared jeans. She grabbed her little purse with everything she needed in it and left the penthouse. She walked down the streets of New York, enjoying the bustling city. The Hospital was a few blocks away, but walking was much more efficient than taking a cab.

She arrived at the hospital and approached the front desk. "Hi, sorry to bother you but could you tell me where Lee Jooheon is?" she asked in perfect, accentless English. "This way miss," she followed the receptionist into the back where it was much nicer and secluded. The receptionist showed her to the room where Mr. Lee would be staying in.

She quietly slipped into the room and she was taken aback at Mr. Lee's appearance. The last time she saw him, he was perfectly healthy and happy, this time he looked so frail and weak she could barely recognize him with all the tubes attached to him and the white headwrap around his head.

She saw her dad who was tiredly sitting on the guest chair. "Appa!" she cheered, her voice quiet. Her dad gave her a small and tired smile as she went over to greet her dad with a hug. "Ahjussi looks so frail," she murmured. Her dad nodded solemnly, "The surgery went well, but now what we have to worry about is his recovery," He told her. "Suho's in the cafeteria, poor boy had been by his side since the surgery -- Talk about a filial son,"

Moonyoung rolled her eyes and sunk into the seat next to her dad. "How am I not a filial daughter?" she asked, "Well, I'll start with you breezing through half a million just on designer clothing," Her dad quipped, Moonyoung stayed silent as she stuck her tongue out at her dad.

"I'll go find that filial son you've always dreamed about," she stated before walking out of the hospital suite. She wandered around the hospital before finding the cafeteria. She scanned the cafeteria to see a sullen Asian guy sitting in the corner with a half uneaten sandwich she stifled a laugh.

She leisurely strolled over to him, her heeled boots clicking along the floor. "Yah! Lee Suho!" she called, grinning from ear to ear as Suho looked up, surprised at her voice as he sent her a small smile. She slid into the seat in front of him, "How did you know it was me?" Suho asked, he was somehow relieved to see her. He ignored the small part in his mind that said; she's gotten prettier, that red leather jacket suits her, she looks so much happier.

Moonyoung grinned, "I saw some sulking guy in the corner and I just knew it was you," she quipped, Suho stifled a laugh, "So, how are you? I heard you got accepted into some fancy private school here," he asked Moonyoung nodded, her smile still wide. "Yeah, School sucks, it's nothing compared to Saebom," she winced as both of them fell silent.

It was a sore spot for both of them, both abandoning their friends and place of comfort for their own reasons. They both missed Saebom and Korea like crazy, and they both knew it. Moonyoung was thinking of what to day next, what suddenly she could hear someone calling her name, someone incredibly familiar.

She turned around and met Yun Youngjae's eyes. She internally groaned, why in fuck's name was this asshole everywhere?

Suho turned to look at the tall Korean guy who was calling Moonyoung's name and frowned. "Do you know him?" Suho asked, Moonyoung nodded, "He's a classmate and my roommate," Moonyoung told him as she got up and greeted Youngjae. "You rascal! What are you doing here?" Youngjae grinned as he ruffled Moonyoung's hair, which earned a glare from the small girl.

"I was visiting someone," she said, "What are you doing here?" she asked, he shrugged, "Oh you know, visiting my dying grandpa who's going to let me inherit everything after he dies," Moonyoung let out a laugh, she had to admit it, Yun Youngjae is pretty funny. Suho suddenly got up and joined the pair. Youngjae turned to Suho, gave him a smile, and extended his hand out. "Hi, I'm Yun Youngjae. Moonyoung's friend. And you are?"

Suho did not smile nor did he return the handshake, "I'm Lee Suho. Moonyoung's bestfriend," he deadpanned. Youngjae awkwardly pulled his hand back and scratched the back of his neck. "Oh, I see," he nodded, he turned to Moonyoung and gave her a fleeting look, "I'll get going, Grandpa doesn't like waiting,"

Moonyoung nodded as he walked off, she then nudged Suho and gave him a glare. He shrugged as if saying; I just said the truth. what's wrong with that? She rolled her eyes before running after Youngjae. She caught up to him and gave him an apologetic smile, "Hey, sorry for Suho --- he's not the friendliest of people to strangers,"

Youngjae nodded in understanding, "Hey, just a question, but do you guys have a thing going on?" Moonyoung blushed and shook her head, "Uh no, why?" Youngjae shrugged, "Most guys only act like that if he likes someone," he told her, "We're just friends," she told him as Youngjae nodded and walked off.

Moonyoung stood silent for a moment pondering his words before she was brought back to reality when Suho rejoined her. "What did he want?" Suho asked, crossing his arms, Moonyoung shook her head with a small smile, "Nothing, let's go,"

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