𝟬𝟮𝟲. happy families

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— ❝ ( chapter twenty-six, happy families. ) ᵕ̈ ೫˚∗

 ) ᵕ̈ ೫˚∗

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MOONYOUNG WAS IN THE BATHROOM when she saw a very upset Kang Soojin enter and wash her hands vigorously

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MOONYOUNG WAS IN THE BATHROOM when she saw a very upset Kang Soojin enter and wash her hands vigorously. It was near the end of the day and Moonyoung had to do a photoshoot for M.Y.K -- she had asked her dad to start giving her more opportunities. Not to mention she was having dinner with the Kang Family and Lee Family. "Kang Soojin," She said sternly grabbing Soojin's hand. "What's wrong?" Moonyoung asked quietly, "That darn necklace," was all she said before leaving the women's bathroom. She shrugged before washing her hands and leaving.

After school, she quickly went to catch up with Seojun. "Yah, are you doing that photoshoot for M.Y.K?" Moonyoung asked, "Yeah," Seojun replied as Moonyoung beamed, "Well then let's go!" she cheered dragging him to the cafe where the photo shoot was taking place.

When they arrived, Seojun went to the changing rooms and Moonyoung went to see the photographer and started to pick out the outfits. "Sorry, Jun but I have to go, I'm running late for a dinner," Moonyoung said quickly before running out of the cafe and running to the restaurant.

When she arrived, coincidentally, her father had also just arrived with Mr. Lee and Suho. "Appa!" she cheered running towards him and hugging him. "Princess!" he smiled as she released from the embrace. "Let's go," He smiled as he, Mr. Lee, Suho, and Moonyoung made their way into the restaurant.

When they entered, the Kangs' stood up and greeted them warmly "Sorry for the wait," Mr Jang apologized as Dr. Kang waved it off before sitting down and eating. They first ate in silence then Mr. Lee finally spoke, "I hear you three are in the same class?" he asked as Soojin and Moonyoung nodded.

"Soojin, Moonyoung please take care of Suho for me in school," Mr. Lee smiled as Moonyoung nodded quietly and Soojin smiled. "I want him to move in with me, but her keeps refusing," Mr. Lee added.

"Moonyoung could stay with Suho for a while," Mr. Jang piped as Moonyoung lightly kicked her dad from under the table, "We don't live together so I can't take care of him," Mr. Lee frowned. "Okay, I will, Mr. Lee," Soojin smiled as Mr. Lee turned to Moonyoung, "Me too," she finally said.

"I don't need anyone to take care of me, don't worry," Suho remarked as Soojin's face visibly fell, "I have to say. Suho looks more like you as he starts to grow older and Moonyoung is a carbon copy of her mother," Mrs. Kang mused "Why don't you let them debut as a celebrity?" She asked.

"Their grades are too good for them to be celebrities," Dr. Kang stated, "I guess you're right," Mrs. Kang agreed,  "I'm willing to support Moonyoung with whatever she wants to do. But she has been getting herself more involved with the businesses," Mr. Jang stated -- though in the eyes of Dr. Kang, he seemed to have been bragging about his perfect little daughter. "Me too," Mr. Lee smiled, "That's because you two are sure they'll get good grades no matter what," Dr. Kang remarked, "Soojin's different, she needs someone to pressure her. Otherwise, her grades will hit rock bottom,"

"Women aren't as persistent and competitive as men," Dr. Kang sighed at this point, Soojin had started to pick her nails again, "Of course, Moonyoung here got both her mother's and her father's genes," Dr. Kang joked as everyone laughed politely. "That's why she'll never be able to beat Suho's or Moonyoung's grades," Dr. Kang sighed, "Some people are just born smart-" Dr. Kang was about to say when Suho cut him off. "We have to study," was all he said.

The air had gotten stiff between the three families and it seemed the only way to save it a bit was to remove the kids. After they were excused, Moonyoung had walked slower than the two in front of her. Then suddenly she got a notification from the team. She pressed into the photos and saw Han Seojun and Lim Jukyung looking rather cozy in M.Y.K clothes. She quickly called the team manager. "Hello?" the manager called, "Yah, why is it a different model?" Moonyoung asked hurriedly, "The other one didn't show up," she explained,

"Whatever, it's fine. Those two have great chemistry," Moonyoung complimented, "Thank you!" the manager beamed, "Okay, make sure to keep the first love theme!" Moonyoung reminded, "Yes! We'll keep working hard!" the manager said surely and Moonyoung hummed and hung up.

"Jang Moonyoung," Suho called as her head whipped over towards him as he approached her grabbing her arm, "Let's go," he stated dragging her away to a cafe with Soojin following behind. They sat in a cafe together as Suho read, Moonyoung kept going out to answer calls and Soojin just drank her drink. "You're just reading. Didn't you tell them that we need to study as an excuse?" Soojin asked, "No," Suho simply replied

"Thank you though, I almost got an upset stomach," Soojin sighed, "By the way, are you really not going to move in with your dad? He seems to really want to live with you," Soojin stated. "We lived apart most of our lives, it'll only be awkward," Suho stated, "Plus, Moonyoung's going to live with me," Suho added wrapping an arm around Moonyoung, "What?!" she exclaimed finally speaking up. "I wonder what's wrong with both your dads," she muttered, "By the way, did anything happen lately?" Moonyoung asked.

She knew that Dr. Kang put a shit load of pressure on Soojin to be the best and sometimes when she didn't meet his expectations --- he would hit her. "Did he hit you or-" Suho asked before Soojin cut him off. "Nothing happened, and it'll be like that until I get my report card," Soojin waved, "But what's gotten into you two? I'm surprised you worried," She mused, "What do you mean?" They asked simultaneously, "You guys are not more talkative and humane these days," Soojin explained, "Don't be absurd. This brat is practically inhumane," Moonyoung remarked.

After they finished, Soojin, Moonyoung, and Suho were walking back when a motorcycle was about to hit Soojin when Suho pulled her back. Moonyoung rolled her eyes at the Kang girl before grabbing Suho's arm. "Get home safely Soojin," Moonyoung stated as Suho and Moonyoung left the Kang girl. Suho suddenly took his phone out and called Jukyung. Moonyoung sighed and plugged her headphones in to not hear anything they were about to say. They were on their way back when they ran into the person they least expected to be acting like a pigeon.

"Mr. Lim?"

NOTE: i'm planning a nevertheless yang dohyuk fanfic, i wanna start a start-up han jipyeong fic that is kinda like what's wrong with secretary kim, I have a vincenzo one, and two hwarang ones. Idk I have so many drafts and i need to start publishing them 😭

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